23. Information

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It's been over a week now that Daluka has had the information he sought about the attractive green-eyed male in the lead mob boss's life.

Daluka stands from his desk deep in thought as he paces in front of the window in his office with the folder in his hand that holds the greenett's details. He's looked over it so many times he has most of it memorized by heart.

Finding Izuku Midoriya's information didn't seem to be nearly as hard as finding someone to agree to up against the blonde mob leader and his one weakness.

Everyone Daluka contacted about the task seemed to fear Katsuki and not want any part in going after what would hurt him most. He narrows his eyes at the thought, at the thought of the blonde being feared and respected more than he was.

The door to his office suddenly opens, he turns to see his head henchman Leo enter and take a seat in front of his desk.

" So, did you find anyone?"

Leo nods sitting back in the leather chair.

" Yeah, but it wasn't easy. I know I asked this before but I'm going to say it again. You're sure you want to go after this guy?"

A deep angry scowl takes over Daluka as he sits down harshly in his chair.

" Why? Why the hell do you keep questioning me on this?!"

Leo shrugs, his eyes on the folder.

" Because this guy has been in Bakugo's life forever. Says they were childhood best friends, grew up together, ran the streets together, one was always with the other. Then they started dating as teens, hell their families were even close. Word has it that the only reason Katsuki even raised in the ranks and fought to get there was so he could make it back to this guy because when he first joined the organization they were forced apart."

Daluka rubs his temples in annoyance.

" So what is your fucking point?"

Leo sighs standing up to look out the window.

" My point is no matter how much you hate Bakugo you can't deny that he's a ruthless, tough son of a bitch. He takes out anyone that messes with anything that's his. How do you think he's gonna be when his boyfriend is used against him? We've seen his anger, watched what he's capable of and that's just with material possessions, this is flesh and blood, someone he actually loves. Hell, maybe the only thing in his world that he actually loves. He's already crazy, I shudder to think about how he's going to react or what he'll do. When he finds out who's responsible he'll kill anyone involved without a second thought and my guess is it won't be quick or painless, not when it comes to this guy."

Daluka stands quickly, slamming the folder on his desk.

" I don't care what he does! I've never seen him have a weakness and now I finally after all these years found his! We will be ready for whatever he has to throw at us. Hell, I'll even leave the country for a while but either way, I'm hitting that cocky bastard right where it hurts! Plus this guy is a cop! He's brought one of our enemies right to us like a careless selfish prick! He deserves everything coming his way!", he shouts.

Leo sighs again.

" Alright, you're the boss but when this whole thing blows up, don't say I didn't warn you. I'll let them know the orders."

Daluka scoffs.

" I'll risk it.", he mumbles.

Leo stops at his boss's door, he makes one last statement before he exits.

" I hope you don't pay for this with your life or mine."

Several hours later after nightfall, Izuku is finishing up his shift at work. He heads outside to meet up with Denki who was waiting for him so the two could grab some pizzas and head back to Katsuki's where the blonde was in some late meetings.

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