20. Katsuki's Deku

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Katsuki keeps his eyes on his date as he crossed the room to greet him.

He's wearing his usual smirk that goes so well with the perfect black tailored pants, silken black button down, with a dark burgundy colored vest, he's wearing so well. His sleeves are rolled up, one of his expensive Rolex's on display around his wrist.

A few tattoos that are on the insides of his built forearms in view, and the whole scene is making Izuku bite hid bottom lip without even realizing it because Katsuki really was gorgeous, he always had been, even in his days before the expensive clothes and watches, back in the days of ripped jeans, fitted tshirt with the sleeves rolled up over large biceps, Katsuki Bakugo was and would always be absolutely.... gorgeous.

That gorgeous blonde with the rough gorgeous voice is now standing in front of his boyfriend with a smirk as he reaches up and touches the K pendant around Izuku's neck.

" You're late Nerd"

The greenett grins.

" I'm worth the wait Kacchan".

Katsuki chuckles.

" Fucking diva, is that what I'm dating now?", he says quietly to him the two laughing softly.

Izuku locks eyes with the blonde, the two getting slightly lost in the other, something they seem to always do, any place they are.

One of the mob leaders from the large dining table suddenly speaks up, the one that Katsuki had been taking with right before Izuku had shown up.

" Katsuki, who's your friend?", the man ask with a smile giving the greenett a look the blonde isn't sure he likes.

Katsuki clears his throat putting a large hand on the greenetts lower back guiding him to the table.

He slides his boyfriend's chair out for him watching him take the seat.

Crimson eyes meet the curious ones of the man still eyeing a good looking swat cop.

" This is Izuku, my boyfriend, that's all the information you need Daluka", Katsuki says with a stren tone and a hint of a warning in crimson eyes.

The male with sandy blonde hair and grey eyes who seems to be a few years older then Katsuki only smiles again taking a drag from the cigar in his hand as his eyes shift from Izuku to the mob leader. He let's out a slow ring of smoke before he speaks again.

" I should have known, you have good taste Bakugo", he says with a look that's making Izuku uneasy and Katsuki glare.

Before a blonde mob leader who is steadily losing what little patience he has can respond there's a waiter next to them.

" Hello Sir, I don't believe I've taken your order since you arrived slightly late" , she says with a smile.

Izuku glances at the menu siting in front of him not having had much time to see what there is.

" He'll have the Katsudon, the pork done extra crispy, make sure his rice isn't over cooked or he won't eat it. He likes a side of steamed vegetables on the side, but leave out the zucchini because he's not a fan. White wine to drink, slightly sweet, a tall glass of water with lemon because he'll drink more of that then the wine", Katsuki tells the waitress his eyes on the greenett next to him the whole time who he winks at when he's finished placing his order.

As she begins to walk away to the kitchen he calls to her.

" Oi, make sure that order is exactly the way I wanted it, I would hate to have to go back there and pay a visit to the chef if it's not"

She nods at him, slightly nervous by this well dressed, stren faced mob leader.

" Y-yes Mr. Bakugo, of course", the waitress manages to stammer out before she takes her leave again.

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