18. A Stern Warning

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A blonde mob leader stirs awake slowly.

Built arms are holding onto his pillow as he lays on his stomach, one crimson eye opening slightly against the dim lit sun beginning to appear.

His mind is still groggy with sleep but he can hear something.

He sighs heavily rolling over slowly trying not to aggravate his still healing shoulder and thigh.

There's a voice suddenly.

" You shouldn't be sleeping like that yet Kacchan, that position probably isn't good yet for the healing process.", Izuku says as he shifts through his closet pulling out a back fitted tshirt his name and the word SWAT embordered right side of the chest.

Emerald eyes look over at the still mostly sleeping blonde in his bed. A smile can't help but forms.

Katsuki smirks, his face still drunk with sleep.

" Come back to bed nerd, I'll show you a few positions that'll be amazing for my healing process" , he says in a rough morning voice that just might draw a greenett right back to bed if he's not careful.

Izuku laughs with a light blush.

" First of all, that's not true, I know you and those positions will set you back for weeks", the greenett says with his own playful grin.

The blonde smirks again as he sits up slowly running a hand through sleep flattened spikes.

" Fucking worth it, damn you been so mean cutting me off from sex the last two weeks but expecting me to behave while you lay here next to me looking hot as fuck all the time"

Izuku turns his full attention to his boyfriend.

His face lit up with crimson.

" Ugh why are you like this?! I have to cut you off Kacchan, you're still healing! I mean you're doing better now but you wanted to jump my bones like two days after you almost bled out at my door! And don't act so deprived, you know I'll make it up to you", he mumbles the last part turning back around to his closet.

Katsuki chuckles.

" Wanna start now?"

The greenett rolls his eyes laughing as he turns around and throws his sleep tshirt he just took off at the blonde as he pulls on his work one.

Katsuki catches it with ease the grin on his features growing.

" Is that a yes? Cause this feels like a strip tease and I'm so ready if it is"

The greenett can not help but laugh loudly at the blonde who just will not give up this morning even tho he literally just opened his eyes.

" No Kacchan this is not a strip tease"

The mob leader raises a brow with a smile.

" You standing there shirtless with those black cargo pants you have on that are still unbuttoned and open says otherwise Deku"

The greenett blushes but smirks as he steps closer to the bed just out of reach from a still injured mob boss.

He moves his hand slowly down his own six pack while his fingers slip under the black wasit band of the boxer briefs he has on.

Katsuki raises both brows, he's fully awake now and this is a sight he wants to see every damn morning.

" Maybe your right Kacchan, maybe I have been mean"

Katsuki watches every move of that hand that is slipping further under those briefs.

" Uh huh, you..you totally have", he says eyes never leaving the sight.

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