9. A Name

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After breakfast Izuku had gone to shower. He was just finishing getting dressed when he stepped out into the hallway, soft towel still around his neck as he dried green locks.

He walked to the blondes bedroom door peering inside to see it empty.

The greenett moved through the large house in search of crimson eyes.

He soon stumbled across two large wooden doors that slid open downstairs.

They were shut, he scrunches his face assuming maybe this was Katsuki's office.

If he was a mob boss this would be the kind of doors he had he thinks.

He places his hand on door pulling it open slightly seeing Katsuki sitting at a large black desk with three other guys who immediately jump to their feet hands on guns making Izuku jump

Katsuki's voice thunders through the room and there's the sound of a gun being cocked.

" If you fucks draw those God damn guns you'll be dead before you hear the fucking shot!"

Three mob henchmen turn to see a vicious looking blonde with his gun raised, aimed and ready, large finger on the trigger, deadly accuracy burning in narrowed crimson eyes.

Kirishima is visibly sweating as he slowly raised his hands in surrender.

" Easy bro, we just weren't expecting anyone"

Katsuki's eyes narrow further a scowl etched further onto his features.

" This is my God damn house, not yours, you stay here because I allow it, so you don't have to worry about who I'm expecting now everyone take your fucking hands off your guns now"

They all slowly do as he says.

But the blonde keeps his gun drawn.

" Deku, come in here to me, it's ok"

Izuku takes a step into the room eying the situation.

His heart beating heavy against his chest seeing Katsuki with murder in his eyes with a gun drawn.

He walks to the blondes side.

" K-Kacchan, it's ok.. you can put that down" , he says to the blonde who hasn't taken seething eyes off the others.

" In a minute. Now you idiots see him? This is Deku, he's here as my God damn guest, if I ever see you even so much as look at him wrong let alone draw a fucking weapon I will be your end, do you understand?"

They all nod yes shakily.

Katsuki lowers his gun finally placing it in his waist band behind his back.

Izuku let's out a breath he was holding seeing the others also now look relived.

The greenett makes eye contact finally with a yellow eyed male he recognizes from the first night.

He nods at him with a slight smile.

" Oh its you bro, well heck boss all you had to do was say!", Denki says with a clueless grin making Izuku cringe because he knows Katsuki is about to get pissed.

Crimson eyes snap to the other male.

Izuku breaks in quickly.

" Uh yeah, hi Denki, how are you?"

Denki smiles.

" Good bro, welcome back"

Katsuki scowls, eyeing the situation.

" What the fuck is this about?"

The greenett looks up at the blonde seeing a look he'd know any where.

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