21. Weakness

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The ride back to Katsuki's house seemed to take forever Izuku thought.

The events at tonight's dinner went horribly wrong and the green eyed swat cop was uncomfortable from start to the explosive end.

But right now all Izuku is worried about is the migraine his boyfriend has.

The two had taken separate vehicles and by the time Izuku had pulled up to the mob leaders house Katsuki was leaning back against his car waiting for the greenett.

Large powerful hands were pocketed in his dress pants, his eyes were closed with his head tilted up to the night sky as he tried to ease the pounding in his head.

Izuku studied him as he approached quietly. He's known the blonde his whole life and knows just by the look of the rapid rise and fall of Katsuki's chest as he breathes that he's still furious and that's fueling the migraine that's raging against his skull.

The greenett bites his lip with unease unsure Katsuki even realizes he's here, but as he reaches for him slowly the mafia boss's voice let's him know differently.

" I'll be ok Deku, stop worrying", he says crimson eyes finally opening shifting to his nervous boyfriend who he gives a slight smile to.

Izuku steps forward his fingers playing with a button on the blondes vest to distract himself from his unease as he speaks.

" I can't help it, I have always hated to see Kacchan in pain and you have gotten these headaches since we were kids anytime you were stressed out, on top of that you were so upset tonight if I hadn't been there you would have killed that creepy guy and.. I..I worry about that stuff too"

The blonde eyes him sighing as he takes his hand feeling Izuku grip it tightly just like he did when they were kids.

He walks him toward the front door feeling green eyes looking up at him with concern.

" We'll talk about it inside, I need to lay the fuck down and calm down before I drive back over there and finish the damn job. I hate that bastard", the blonde says his voice stren with anger still dripping in the sound.

As soon as they enter they are met with yellow eyes of Denki who smiles at first.

" Oh ! Hi you're back early bo..."

He doesn't finish his sentence whe he sees Katsuki give him a murderous glare.

" Quiet. I don't want to hear a damn word from you or anyone else living in my god damn house, I want fucking silence, understand me Dunce ?"

The male nods nervously then shifts his sights to Izuku who is behind the blonde.

All the greenett does is tap the side of his own temple letting the henchman know its a headache.

Denki nods giving the greenett he liked right away a smile one that drops as soon as he hears the warning voice of his boss who is already up the stairs.

" Stop smiling at him like that fucker. Deku, come to bed with me"

Izuku rolls his eyes with a smile for the yellow eyed male playfully at his boyfriend's jealousy while he whispers to him on his way to the stairs.

" He'll be fine, just keep the noise down cause of his head. I'll talk to you tomorrow Kami"

Denki nods at him watching him disappear up the steps. He can tell something didn't go well and that's something he was worried about from the start.

Izuku enters the blondes room seeing him pouring whisky into a crystal glass.

He makes the way across the room taking the glass right after Katsuki takes a sip taking the glass from his hand setting it down.

The Mafia Boss' Weakness Where stories live. Discover now