35. Reunited... Again.

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Izuku is desperate to get his pounding heart under control as his mind scrambles to grip what's happening at this moment.

He's standing trapped against his bedroom door in the dark with a large looming figure that has a leather gloved hand tightly over his mouth.

He heard the voice, the voice he'd know any where. It's Katsuki's but that can't be possible because he's gone. Confirmed dead two days ago by the coroner at the scene.

He's sure he's having some mental break, something in him has finally snapped between everything he's been through in the past couple months. That has to be the reason there is no other explanation he thinks.

As he stands there and resigns himself to the thought that he's having a mental and emotional breakdown and this is some delusion his mind is having because he can't cope with Katsuki being gone, tears begin to stream from his eyes though he doesn't make a sound.

It's pitch black in the room, nothing can be seen but the figure holding him to the door suddenly begins to shift almost uneasy. It moves in closer, it's mouth whispering so close to Izuku ear he can feel the warmth.

" Deku? Listen really closely to me. I'm going to take my hand off your mouth but you can't scream or get loud baby ok? You have to whisper understand?"

Tears continue to slide from emerald eyes but he doesn't react to the voice.

The figure removes his hand slowly but stays chest to chest with the greenett waiting to hear something.

But there is no movement and the only sound heard is soft sobbing thats trying to be muffled.

Fear begins to grip the dark figure who knows something is terribly wrong here.

" Deku? You realize who I am right?"

There's still no movement just a bit of a harder sob.

" Shit", the blonde whispers.

" Ok, ok. I can't turn the light on yet but look, look Izuku.", Katsuki whispers with fear in the tone as he pulls a silver lighter from his pocket and lights the flame holding it close enough to his face to light it.

The blonde pulls the black hood of his sweatshirt down completely showing clear crimson eyes and perfect blonde spikes.

Izuku breaks at the sight in front of him, still sure he's in some breakdown or having a dream.

He clamps his hand over his mouth as he sobs loudly into it sliding down the wall in disbelief at what he's seeing.

It's now Katsuki with tears of heartache down his face as the mob leader feels his heart break at the crumbling sight of his boyfriend.

He drops to the ground in the front of the broken greenett reaching for him as he runs large hands up and down the trembling males arms still speaking at a whisper.

" Shh Deku, shh baby, please, please calm down for me. Breathe Izuku, it's me it's really me. It's Kacchan, your Kacchan."

Izuku sobs again shaking his head no.

"N-No. You..you can't be. You're dead, my.. my Kacchan is dead! I'm..I'm having a breakdown and .. and my messed up mind is making you up because.. because I can't handle you being gone!", he sobs loudly.

Katsuki has his own tears wetting his face as his heart breaks with each broken word spoken. He reaches out and pulls Izuku closer to him.

" I am tho. I am your Kacchan. I know baby, I know what you thought. I'm not dead Izuku, I'm right here and I'm real, I'm the real thing. This is not some shitty breakdown or illusion. The only way out for me was to make the world think that Mafia Boss Katsuki Bakugo was dead, so I had to stage it. It had to look real Deku it had to feel real, that's why I couldn't tell you before hand. Everyone would be watching you for your reaction, it had to be real so that I could get out of this shit world to be with you and God baby you have no idea how sorry I am that it had to be this way but I had no other choice. But look at me, listen to my voice, touch me, feel that I'm here and I'm real and I didn't leave you Izuku. I found my way back to you just like I always promised, just like I've always done. Izuku, I'm here.", he says holding the greenett's face in his hands in the darkened room.

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