14. Paybacks

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Crimson eyes go slightly wide then turn murderous as he listens to the male on the line with a name he's been waiting for.

His sight shifts back to Kei who had the nerve to be eyeing what belongs to him.

He holds the gun steady, an aim that will be deadly accurate if he decides to pull the trigger.

The male in the gun sight is sweating, he's frozen with fear knowing his boss isn't one to back down.

The room has fallen silent. It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop as the henchmen watch with rapid heartbeats cold but viscous crimson eyes stay locked on their target.

Even tho Katsuki is listening to what Shinso is telling him he hasn't forgotten there was a situation he was dealing with first.

Izuku's heart is pounding, he doesn't want the blonde to shoot the other male and he has no idea what the call is about, all he knows is Katsuki is quite and that has never been a good thing.

" You're sure Freak?", is finally asked.

" Yup, wouldn't call you if I wasn't, I'm sure this will end up with more than one life taken by the end of it, so I made sure.", Shinso says as he sits in his car waiting for Katsuki's next order.

The blonde feels his temper taking hold, his skin begins to burn and the room is getting slightly blurry.

There's a migraine on the rise, creeping up the back of his neck getting ready to take hold and invade his body just like the rage building brick by brick within him.

" Ok, thanks"

Is all that's said before the blonde hangs up.

Those eyes remain focused on another target now, one that has nothing to do with the information he was just given but one that might be the first one to catch a bullet.

Izuku decides to step in moving slowly to his childhood friend and lover.

He speaks softly as he can trying to defuse the anger he sees.

" Kacchan. Kacchan please put the gun down. There isn't any real reason to be so upset"

Crimson eyes glance as his boyfriend who is now beside him with a warm hand resting on his built back.

" Bullshit Deku, he was eye fucking you right in front of me, disrespecting me in my own house. He would have made a move on you if I wasn't sitting here!" , he barks.

Kei shakes his head nervously.

" I .. I wouldn't have boss, not ever! I just didn't know who he was is all!"

Dark eyes narrow.

" Mine, he's fucking mine is who he is and I don't share anything that belongs to me."

Izuku swallows hard as he pushes on again.

" You have a headache, I can see it, this isn't helping. Kacchan, please calm down, it doesn't matter how many people try and look at me, there's only one guy I want, no one could change that", the greenett says softly.

Katsuki looks over at him studying his boyfriend, he believes Izuku, he always has if the greenett told him the sky was falling he'd believe it.

But he was disrespected and that kind of shit isn't tolerated in this world.

His jaw clenches again.

" It doesn't change the fact that he was fucking disrespecting me Deku"

" No, no it doesn't but I'm sure he won't let it happen again now that he knows who I am and what I am to you", Izuku trys to soothe again.

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