36. The Perfect Weakness

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Izuku is now rushing around his apartment in a heated fury trying to pack as quickly as he can so he can get to Katsuki.

He still can hardly believe this is real, but it is and his agony that the blonde was gone from his life forever is fading and replaced by relief gratitude that its over.

He's still weak from previous events and exhaustion but he's happy and exited for this new life where they can both start over without fear of someone hurting either one of them.

After the last of what he wants to take is packed he reaches for a picture of his mother. This is the only part that's hard for him, leaving her behind for now. But he knows Katsuki and knows him well and knew his boyfriend ment what he said about reaching back out to her when he knew it was safe.

He finishes quickly throwing the hood of his sweatshirt up and tossing his bag over his shoulder.

After he's in his car he glances down at the paper that Katsuki gave him with the address he needs to be at. Izuku knows the area, it's a little ways outside of the city and pretty well isolated.

A two hour drive later where he fought the desire to drive a hundred down the highway, the greenett has finally reached his destination.

It's a small roadside motel where the blonde has likely had someone check him in under a false name. Like he keeps telling his boyfriend, it's amazing what money will buy.

There's room numbers written on the paper, one the greenett hurries to find quickly with his bag over his shoulder.

He finally locates the room at the end of a long row of doors in the back of the building. Just as he lifts his hand to knock the door swings open and a smirking blonde grips his wrist pulling him inside swiftly trapping him to the back of the closed door.

"What took you so long nerd?", he smirks with a playful glint in crimson eyes.

Izuku is wide eyed at first by the sudden but familiar action. His heart beats against his chest rapidly but for the first time in awhile he lets his eyes finally take in Katsuki fully for the first time since he thought he'd been taken from him forever.

Even though he had seen the blonde not too long ago when Katsuki had sunck into his bedroom it was dark but now it isn't and he can see those perfect sharp handsome features perfectly.

Izuku feels overwhelmed immediately by the presence of the man he thought had been snuffed out of his life. Tears flood emerald eyes as he lunges forward and grips Katsuki in a bone crushing hug so strong it makes the blonde lose his footing for a minute.

Katsuki wraps him tightly in his arms lowering his head to whisper to the greenett who is so overwhelmed with emotion he can't speak yet.

" Shh baby. I know, I know Deku, but it's ok now, it's all gonna be ok from here on out. I promise.", the blonde soothes while he rocks the greenett gently in his hold.

When Katsuki tries to pull back slightly to see his boyfriend he feels Izuku's grip on him tighten as he shakes his head no.

" No..don't, don't let go yet, just hold me.", he whispers that fifteen year old Izuku back in his voice.

The blonde feels his heart ache as he pulls him closer.

" As long as you want. I'll hold you as long as you want Deku.", he tells him gently, large hands rubbing the others back.

After a minute and cries that begin to quite Izuku looks up to finally meet crimson eyes that smile at him. He smiles with a sniffle and a light laugh as he speaks.

" You're damn right you'll hold me as long as I want after scaring me and traumatizing me to death you jerk."

Katsuki grins and chuckles even though his heart aches because he knows it's true.

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