25. Ticking Time Bomb

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Piercing eyes shoot to the door seeing worried yellow ones. He gets up quickly.

" What is it??"

Denki takes tries to steady his breathing as he speaks with a shaky voice.

" The.. the nurse said he's out of surgery and they moved him into intensive care. She said that it's still a very serious situation but that he's more stable than he was before but that his blood pressure is very low. He's still not conscious and has had a blood transfusion but still needs another."

There's anxiety in Katsuki's stomach as he moves quickly out of the room and back to the nurse's station. He lets the words sink on his way. It still doesn't sound good at all but at least he's not dead so that's what he's going to hang on to for now.

After he speaks to the nurse he demands a conversation with the doctor and he's not taking no for an answer. He's pacing again when the doctor finally calls his name.

" Mr. Bakugo?"

Katsuki turns around immediately meeting the doctor halfway across the room.

" Yes. I want to know the details on exactly everything that's going on with Izuku and I don't want any bullshit talking me in circles shit. I want to know everything in plain goddamn English."

The doctor nods at the intense male in front of him pointing to a chair.

" Very well, would you like to sit?"

Katsuki pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

" No, I don't want to sit I just want you to tell me what the fuck is happening and that's it."

Denki stands near his boss nervously chewing on his lip. He knows the blonde has a very short temper and that his patience is pretty much nonexistent. He also knows that it wouldn't take much for Katsuki to do some rash in the mood he's in like beat the life out of this doctor if he doesn't give him the information he seeks in the way he wants it. He breathes a slight sigh of relief when he sees the doctor agree and begin to give the information the blonde wanted.

" Ok well then. Izuku received two gunshot wounds. The first that hit his chest up by his shoulder wasn't necessarily the problem even though it was difficult to retrieve because of the location it was lodged in. The second shot that hit his abdomen was the real issue since it hit his spleen and caused it to almost rupture completely. After some intense surgery, we were able to repair it as best as we could but not before major blood loss and a ton of strain on his body. He has received a blood transfusion and is currently getting another as we speak. He is not conscious but that's because we have him deeply sedated for his own safety. We need to have his body have a chance to heal without the strain of trying to keep up as it would if he were fully awake. We will monitor him continuously, keeping a close eye on all his vitals and any signs of improvement or failure to improve. If he shows significant signs of improvement we will slowly bring him out of sedation waking him up fully. But I'm not going to lie Mr. Bakugo, the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours will be tricky and though we are doing absolutely everything we can there is still a chance that things could go horribly wrong. But your boyfriend seems to be a very strong young man who has fought so far so I have no reason to think that that won't continue. In other words, I'm cautiously optimistic."

Katsuki takes a deep breath forcing himself to calm down as much as he can while he takes in the information. He lets his eyes focus on the doctor with an intense stare as he speaks.

" Alright, now I need you to listen really carefully to what I'm about to say. Anything that can be done for him needs to be done, I don't care what it costs or who you need to bring here to do it, it will be done. I'm going to have my own private security posted at his door twenty-four hours a fucking day for reasons you don't need to be involved in. I want his room to be the best you have in this place and it will be a private one, none of this sharing a room with another patient shit. I will be staying in his room with him and before you spout off with any of the ' we don't allow that shit you will allow it this time or I will create one hell of a scene and trust me in the mood I'm in you don't want that. I'm a powerful man Doc and believe me I could take this place down without a second thought so you better be sure you're doing everything you can for Izuku and not piss me the fuck off in the process, understand?"

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