31. Fear

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Fear is not something most Mafia leaders feel very often. At least not fear for themselves. There comes a time when this life hardens you so much you don't fear anyone or anything really. You've seen the worst of the worst and have inflicted most of it yourself.

Fear is also a weakness and you can't afford that in this business.

All these things are known, yet Daluka can not hide his trembling hands as he lifts a glass of hard liquor to his mouth trying to steady his growing nerves.

It's been four days since a late night rampage of attacks on anyone who would be considered close to Daluka and anyone who had anything to do with the hit on the head boss's boyfriend. He isn't stupid, he knew Katsuki would retaliate but he might have misunderstood just how ruthless he would go about it. Not only that but he now realizes how powerful the brash blonde mob leaders connections are, something he found out when he tried to flee the country but was stopped from doing so when the airline told him his passport was invalid.

He glances at the ticking clock on the wall feeling sweaty palms. This is physical logical warfare at this point. Katsuki Bakugo plays this game well and hardly ever loses. The blonde has crawled into Daluka's brain and set up camp there, bringing fear and panic along with paranoia at every turn.

He's been locked up in his hideout for days, most of his associates abandoning him not wanting to face the rest of the wrath that is surly on its way. Once they had seen the death and destruction Katsuki had brought so far they bailed not wanting to be next on his list especially after finding out Daluka had been warned by Leo not to go after what belonged to the head boss of the organization.

Every sound made makes the normally calm brown haired male jump with wide eyes and a racing heart sure that his time has come and death is at the door but each and every time it's been nothing, this waiting game has started to make him crazy something he's sure Katsuki is well aware of. This wait is planned, part of the torture and though he hates to admit it, it's been absolutely effective.

He looks around the dim lit room he's held up in, he has several loaded firearms placed in various locations praying that he's fast enough to get to them before a heartless blonde gets to his. Down deep he knows he isn't though, knows he's never been as fast, smart or strong as Katsuki. Underneath his breath the only thing can hope for is that the blonde makes his death quick something even he knows won't happen.

Anxiously he stands looking out across the moonlit sky, eyes cast up at the moon. His stomach twist wondering when it might be his last gaze upon it.

Across town the a brash blonde mob leader is gazing at the moonlight from a different view. The view of it softly glistening on sweat dampened fair skin after a heated love making session with his boyfriend.

Izuku lays beside the built blonde, both facing each other still slightly breathless trying to come down off an orgasm high. He reaches up and plays with a sweaty blonde spike with a love drunk smile.

" That was amazing."

Katsuki smirks while he runs a large hand up the greenett's arm.

" That's because we haven't been able to do that last few weeks while you've been recovering. You were horny as fuck."

Izuku laughs with a blush.

" You are such a jerk and I'm not the only one who felt that way! You literally almost tackled me into bed tonight."

There's a grin on sharp features.

" I had to to stop all the begging.", he teases gaining a slap on the bare arm from his boyfriend which only makes him chuckle harder.

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