17. Undeniable

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Izuku stands in his bedroom leaning back against his door frame while Katsuki's private doctor has a look at the wounded mob leader.

Its amazing what money can by you when you have it and even tho the Dr knows well what Katsuki does he never breathes a word of it and always agrees to see him in private whenever these things happen and as green eyes watch the exam seeing several scars from past incidents, he realizes this happens too much.

" Well Mr Bakugo all things considered you look pretty good. If you hadn't been attended to as quickly as you were I doubt that would be the case. Even tho you were patched up the way you were till I could get to you it's done the trick. More rest and the antibiotics I've given you should take care of the rest. You'll recover."

Katsuki stares at the greenett across the room who seems to be holding a blank expression. Crimson eyes haven't left that face since the Dr started to examine him.

" Yeah? Tell that to that nerd standing over there, he doesn't look like he believes it", the blonde says with a smirk making Izuku roll his eyes.

The Dr gets up with a smile looking over at the greenett as he packs up his things.

" He'll be fine with proper rest and the meds I've left. I've seen him look worse believe it or not but if you hadn't taken care of him the way you did he wouldn't be. Relax a bit son, that blonde bomb isn't going anywhere", the elderly Dr says with a chuckle heading out the door.

Izuku walks him out thanking him for everything before he heads back into the bedroom replacing Katsuki's water bottle.

The blonde resting in the bed studies him closely.

Izuku is expressionless mostly, his eyes hold a look of exhaustion and worry tho and he's quite, too quiet.

He doesn't speak a word even tho he feels those crimson eyes on him.

" What's wrong Izuku? You heard the Dr. I'm going to be fine"

Emerald eyes don't meet his gaze while he watches the greenett just nod and fix his blanket.

Izuku is getting ready to head back out the door when he's stopped by a strong hand that reaches out and takes hold of his arm.

" Deku stop a minute. Talk to me. You been so damn quite the past day or two it's starting to worry the fuck outta me. You pissed at me still?"

Green eyes finally look into intense crimson ones.

There's tears in those emeralds making Katsuki tense at the sight.

" I just.. I'm just worried Kacchan! I can't get the other night out of my head. You were so close to slipping away from me, I saw it ! Felt it! It scared me to death and yeah even tho it's been a few days and you've had a doctor properly look you over and tell me that you're OK I keep wondering for how long tho?! How long till you get shot at again?! How long till you get stabbed or attacked or someone wants to take out the head of the mafia?! There has to be so many targets on your back that it physically makes me sick to think about. I hate what you do, I hate the people you have to run with, and ...and I still don't even know what happened to get you shot in the first place!" , Izuku pants with emotions running rampt.

Katsuki eyes him never letting go of the arm in his grip.

He slides himself up with a slight grunt of pain so he's leaning back on the headboard.

" Deku, sit down a minute and take a breath"

The greenett shakes his head no with defiance in green eyes.

Katsuki frowns, crimson eyes going serious.

" Izuku, sit down"

Green eyes roll as he plobs himself down harshly on the edge of the bed because in the end he'll always do as the blonde staring at him wants an he knows it.

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