19. Mob Leader's Date

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The door to a large manicured mansion slams closed as crimson eyes gaze around the area he hasn't seen in almost four weeks.

He stayed with Izuku after his injuries, recovering nicely with the help of his attentive boyfriend who watched everything he did and scolded him over everything he didn't want him to do.

He smirks thinking about it as while he slides his keys into the pocket of his black joggers and picks up his duffel bag moving from the door to take his bag upstairs.

He still has to take it slow, still moves with a slight limp from the bullet that was in his thigh, but he's doing better and this isn't his first time recovering from something like this, in fact at this point, he's a pro at it.

He sighs making his way to the stairs because this big house suddenly feels much bigger and much more lonely.

The blonde had enjoyed his time with Izuku even if he was laid up. It had been so much like old times he almost forgot the six miserable years he had spent without him.

He'll admit he had a rough time leaving that small apartment in the city where it felt like time stood still and it was only the two of them once again.

But reality is a bitch and has a way of waking you up from dreams you're desperate to linger in.

Katsuki is the leader of the most powerful crime organization there is and he has a job to get back to.

There had been some restless in the organization past couple weeks while the blonde was out of touch.

Debts going unpaid, associates not following orders, and talk of rival mob organizations wanting to move in on areas that belong to Katsuki.

Now the blonde has to straighten all this shit out quickly and prove that he is still very much the one in charge.

As soon as he reaches the steps there's voices behind him.

" Boss! You're home! Welcome home bro!"

" Yeah hey! Welcome back! Wow Mido did good huh? You look mostly recovered! Thats great!"

The blonde turns around to meet the eyes of Kirishima and Denki who hand him a pile of mail and paperwork he's missed since he's been gone.

He nods at them.

" Tch. Yeah I'm back you shits. And why do you insist on calling him that ?"

Denki raises a brow with a grin.

" What Mido? I dunno suits him"

Katsuki rolls his eyes.

" It doesn't, but whatever", the blonde mumbles as he shifts through the mail in his hand.

" Well, why do you call him Deku?", Denki ask curiously making Kirishima's face drop in horror as he looks over at the male.

" Why do you do that?!!", he whisper shouts.

Denki eyes him.

" Do what?! I'm making conversation!",

" You know that's none of our business! You are seriously gonna be dead one day for asking stupid shit!"

Katsuki watches the two directly in front of him having a whisper shout fight like he can't hear everything these two extras are saying.

He can't help but smirk because they are definitely idiots and he's not sure why he even chose them to work for him in the first place.

" Oi, Dumb and Dumber, you gonna shut up so I can answer or just act like I'm fucking stupid and can't hear you?"

The shouting argument stops immediately as the two stare at back at him waiting with surprise because their boss has never been very open about his life or anyone in it.

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