4. Restless

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Katsuki wakes up from a restless night's sleep.

He lays in bed still feeling his headache linger, something that isn't all that unusual.

Crimson eyes close again as he let's his mind drift to those betrayed green eyes that don't understand and refuse to listen at the moment.

He always knew he missed Izuku, but when he was finally close to him after six long years he hadn't realized just how much now the pain in his chest seems to have a deeper throb then it did before.

" Fuck", he mumbles as he gets out of bed still dressed in his white drawstring pajama pants.

The blonde moves to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Crimson eyes gaze at his reflection in the mirror.

His lack of sleep is showing, dark circles under his eyes are a sure giveaway.

There's somewhat of a strees furrow in the middle of his brow, one that is deeper than normal.

The cold splash of water on a intense face doesn't seem to bring much relief for his tired restlessness.

He'd woken up many times during the night checking a cell phone that holds only one number only to be met with disappointment every time, he isn't even sure if Izuku even took it when he took off.

He walks from the bathroom feeling his feet moving like lead. There's no energy in his movements, he feels dull today, but then again everything feels dull today.

Nothing has been able to seep into his soul for a long time, but like with most everything Deku was always the exception, and the sinking feeling in his chest just seems to deepen by the minute.

The blonde walks out of his bedroom moving across the hallway to a room he knows is empty.

He walks in slowly, taking in the room almost cautiously, almost like he's scared of what's behind the door, truth is Katsuki is scared of what isn't in the room and the pain it brings.

He sighs heavily, one hand in the pocket of his pajama pants.

Crimson eyes trail around the room as he steps up to the bed that's never been slept in.

He looks down seeing the sweats he had left for the greenett along with the white tshirt. One thing he doesn't see tho is the hoodie, his hoodie in fact that he had caught a glimpse of when Izuku had taken off last night.

A slight smile curves onto his lips because Deku had been wearing it, that at least says something.

He opens the nightstand surprised almost to see that the phone was also gone. He had hoped it would be and even as he checked his own through the night he still hadn't been sure Izuku even had his, but he did, and that was an even better sign.

Nothing seems to be left behind by the greenett but the things taken are at least give him some hope that that nerd will find his way back to him at some point.

He leaves the room feeling slightly better then when he entered it.

In an apartment in the heart of the city Izuku too is waking up from his own restless night.

He hadn't slept much after he had gotten home.

Even now as he lays there still in bed his thoughts are on firey crimson eyes.

He tossed and turned all night a million thoughts in his mind.

Part of him aches to hear what Katsuki has to say, another part of him is too hurt to accept his words, whatever they may be.

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