16. Trauma

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Izuku is panicking as he jumps to his feet after Katsuki loses consciousness.

" Shit, shit ,shit!" , he mumbles through tears trying to steady himself.

He moves around the apartment in a hurry, his core shaky as he rushes to find the list of things he was instructed to get.

He grabs his first aid kit and the other things as his mind races with panic and worry at the task he's about to perform, one he's not even sure he can do.

But he has to do it, has to do it right because if not he could lose Katsuki and that is not an option.

He comes back dropping down to the floor next to the couch and begins to perform makeshift surgery in his living room.

He cuts through the blondes leather jacket and rolls up a blood soaked black tshirt.

Green eyes are wide with fear and worry as he inspects the gunshot wound in a built arm.

The bullet had gone straight through luckily not hitting any bone.

Izuku scrunches his face as he dumps some alcohol on it knowing it'll hurt. He feels Katsuki actually jerk his body at the sensation of no doubt burning pain.

The blonde mumbles something incoherent before passing out again.

The greenett takes a deep breath with glassy eyes as he stares at a threaded needle in his bloody fingers.

He has to do this, has to stich up this gushing hole or Katsuki will bleed out, he's grateful almost that he's passed out so he doesn't feel the pain he's about to inflict, tho he's not sure how long the blonde will stay out.

He clamps down on his own cheek not even realizing his own blood is in his mouth from the harshness of the bite.

His breathing is shaky and uneven while he begins to stitch the wound with tears down his cheeks.

Katsuki grunts and groans, half conscious. There's sweat down his face and neck, his breathing
is heavy even in and out of wakefulness.

" I'm sorry Kacchan", the greenett whimpers as he continues a task he's no choice but perform.

Once the wound had been stitched as well as possible, the greenett cleans it quickly and wraps it in clean white bandages.

He breaths a slight sigh of relief because at least this will stop some of the bleeding but as he tears Katsuki's pant leg and stares at the hole in his thigh he knows there's a bigger task to preform.

He takes a deep breath, his hands and core shaking. He's lightheaded himself from fear.

The greenett forces himself to get his breathing under control so he can do this.

He shines a flashlight into the wound and actually sees the silver of the thing he must remove.

Shaking bloodied hands pick up a pair of tweezers as he begins to try and retrieve the object.

As soon as he does the blonde arches his back off the couch with a roar of agony, the pain pulling him out of unconscious.

" F-uck! Ah...sh..it.."

He's panting, eyes open wide but weak the loss of blood making them get heavy again.

Izuku begins to cry a little louder.

Katsuki reaches shaking fingers out for him as the greenett screams at himself inside his head to fight the panicked sobs in his throat still trying  to keep the blondes thigh still while feels around inside the wound.

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