37. Epilogue

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* Three Years later*

A warm summer breeze blows as Izuku and an ex blonde mob leader walk hand in hand down a beautiful beach not to far from the home they share.

They married a year ago and life for them has been amazing ever since Katsuki's escape from the Mafia life he lead.

He sifts his sights down as he listens to Izuku rambling on next go him about his day earlier when he was out shopping.

" Oh my God Kacchan you should have been there! I couldn't stop laughing. So Denki was walking backwards talking to me about how he thinks he actually saw a mermaid or something in the water yesterday and I kept trying to warn him that he was getting ready to walk right into Mr Damarko's stand of fresh lemonade but he wasn't paying attention and then bam! it all crashed to the ground. Next then I knew Mr Damarko comes flying out of his shop throwing his hands around speaking in Italian yelling at Denki who he called a stupido culo. Now I don't know what that means but I'm sure it wasn't good.", he says with a laugh in his tone.

Katsuki breaks into a loud laugh.

" It means stupid ass. He called Dunce a stupid ass, and he's not wrong.", the blonde tells his husband as they continue to walk.

Izuku looks up at the handsome blonde who's grining and chuckling about the story and the greenett can't help but giggle

" Oh man. OK well yeah that's definitely what he was yelling several times at him as Denks tried to pick up the cups. So mom comes rushing up from some flower shop across the street trying to step in front of Denki cause she was sure he was going to get either shot or punched. She laid on the sweetness extra heavy and offered to pay for the damage but Mr Damarko totally caved in and told her that wasn't at all necessary. I think they might have a date or something later.", Izuku says at the end with a scrunched face at the idea that makes his husband chuckle next to him.

Katsuki had moved Inko to Italy to be with them after he was sure it was safe enough to do so. She lives in a nice apartment a few blocks from the couple that the blonde pays for.

The large blonde looks down at his husband giving his hand a squeeze.

" I'm sorry I missed all that shit. I would have liked to have seen that.", he smirks.

Izuku laughs softly.

" Right?! Well I wanted you to go with us like you usually do."

The blonde smiles.

" Yeah I know but I wanted to finish helping that old man who lives a few houses down get that fishing boat he has back into the water. I felt kinda bad when I was running on the beach this morning and stopped for a water break and he told me that his only income is from the fish he catches. That boat is shit, I can't believe it hasn't sunk with him in it. Anyway, I helped fix up what I could then pull it back to the water for him."

Izuku feels his heart ache as he looks up at the side of a strong profile and smiles.

Katsuki has been amazing to the people around them in the past three years that they have lived in Italy. He's more relaxed and happy and it's obvious that his old mob life is starting to finally loosen its grip on him making him less edgy. It's almost like he's working on making up for all the wrongs he had to do in the life he lead back home and he was doing an amazing job.

Katsuki notices the look ok his husband and stops walking with a grin.

" What's that look for huh?"

Izuku smiles wrapping his arms around broad shoulders.

" Nothing I'm just really proud of you for being so not a jerkish to Mr Salvatore.", he smirks.

Katsuki rolls his eyes with a chuckle.

" Yeah I'm getting soft or some shit. Pretty sure it's your fault."

Izuku laughs running his hands through blonde spikes.

" I'll take responsibility for that, but seriously Kacchan you've been so much more relaxed and content, you haven't even had any headaches in over a year."

The blonde smiles leaning down kissing his husband's forehead.

" Cause I'm happy. As long as I have you and your safe and we're together I'm gold baby. Life is good finally, I'm hell bent to keep it that way."

There's a soft smile on fair skin.

" I know. It's great. You know what you should do for Mr Salvatore?"

Katsuki eyes his husband then turns his face to the side as he answers.

" Buy him a new boat? It'll be here the end of the week."

Izuku grins widely.

" Oh my gosh I really am rubbing off on you finally! That's totally something I would have done."

Katsuki smirks.

" I know, it's fucking annoying."

His husband giggles in his arms.

" Big tough ex Mafia leader going all soft. Serious its adorable Kacchan or manly as Kirishima would say. Oh man I can't wait to tell him "

The blonde can't help but chuckle loudy.

" Shut up. I h-hate you.", he smirks pretending to stutter like the greenett in his arms who breaks into a loud laugh at the imitation of him.

" There's that stutter when you're laying to me", the greenett smirks stealing the line right from the blonde himself who leans down and meets his mouth with his own.

" I do love you, no lies about it. But I'm still in control around here, something you're about to be reminded of as soon as we get home and I take out all this mocking me shit on that perfect ass you have."

He feels Izuku shiver then start to walk backwards with the blonde's hands in his.

There's a devilish smile in green eyes that Katsuki will forever love.

" What are we waiting for then? After all, I did pack my cuffs."

There's a growl and a canine running over a bottom lip and an ex mob leader who knows he will forever have one weakness.

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ The End♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


Ahh so we've coke to the end of another ride which is always bitter sweet. This one was intense but I loved it. The end of one just makes room for another .

I hope you enjoyed the ride, thanks for coming ♡

Love ~ Laughing Wolf

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