3. Time will Tell

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Two sets of shocked eyes stare at ruthless mob boss who just took out one of his own without a second thought.

As the blonde tucks his gun back inside his waistband he begins to give orders.

" Get rid of that shit and after you do I want you to tell Dunce to move Izuku to a bedroom upstairs. The larger one. Make sure he's comfortable and bring him the food I left for him in the fridge.", he tells them calmy as he rubs the sides of his temples feeling that ever present migraine hammering against his skull.

Kirishima raises a brow as he looks over at Sero with a nervous shrug.

" Um yeah ok, but boss are you sure you don't wanna just leave him down here where he is? Why are we making the prisoner comfortable?"

" Yeah, and he's a cop", Sero adds.

Katsuki lowers his hands, deep crimson eyes going dark as he moves closer to the two making them take an uneasy step back.

" You're moving him because I fucking said so, and don't you ever call him a prisoner, thats not what he is. I'm well aware he's a cop Soy Sauce, you aren't telling me a god damn thing that I don't already know. Now you two fucks have a job to do so you better do it"

They nod, seeing the blonde is in no mood for questions.

Katsuki begins to move upstairs then stops.

" One more thing. If anyone lays a hand on him again, you'll end up just like Mineta", the blonde says shifting his eyes to the male he took down minutes ago before he moves upstairs without another word.

Izuku now sits alone in an empty basement trying to get his emotions under control.

There's a million different thoughts in his head and his heart causing an upheaval of feelings to churn within a conflicted heart and mind.

Part of him wanted to hug Katsuki and sob into his chest, happy to see him, touch him once again.

Part of him wanted to scream at him calling him every name he could think of for abandoning him as a scared hurt confused 18 yo who didn't have any idea how to live without the blonde he had been so intertwined with.

Tears well in emerald eyes again as he thinks about the promise Katsuki made that he'd come back for him and it wouldn't be long, six years, six years felt like sixty and that was long.

Suddenly the door opens making Izuku jump to his feet unsure of what was to come.

A yellow eyed male steps in with a smile.

" Uh hi. I'm Denki, I was sent in here to take you up to your room man, so if you could just follow me"

Izuku raises a brow.

" My room?"

Denki nods.

" Yup, boss said to make sure you're comfortable and stuff so come with me"

Izuku is quiet for a minute taking in this information when a worried look grows on the other male in the room.

" Dude, please? I'm not sure who you are other than Izuku, but I do know that you must be super important to the boss since he has given us strick orders in what we can and can't do when it comes to you, and I don't wanna end up dead man, so please come with me?"

Izuku raises both brows but decides to go with this stranger seeing how worried he actually looks and the greenett has known Katsuki a long time and knows well there's reason to fear that temper.

He follows Denki from downstairs up to the main level acrossed beautiful polished hardwood to another large staircase that leads up to another level of the large home.

The Mafia Boss' Weakness Where stories live. Discover now