30. The List

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There's a list of names written in smooth black script on the white pages of a leather bond notebook.

Crimson eyes look down at the names, sleek dark forest green pen in large fingers that he occasionally taps on the pages of the book before him.

There's a deep anger filled expression etched on his sharp features as he studies the list that he has created himself after several late night phone calls, research, threats, and terrified informants who want to be sure they stay off the blonde's bad side by giving him any and all informed they have. Shinso has also helped with tracking down any and all that had anything to do with the hit on Izuku and also anyone who might be concerned close to Daluka, because if he was going to hit Katsuki where it hurt, the blonde was going to be sure he hit back harder.

He removes his black framed glasses placing them on his desk as he reaches up and massages the back of his neck feeling the tension that's been there since this shit show started when they took a hit at his Deku.

His Deku.

His Deku who's in the other room watching some shitty comedy movie with Denki and the rest of the extras laughing in a way that always finds a way into cold heart. His Deku who has been on the road to healing from that shit hit on his life under the watchful crimson eyes of himself and the most expensive, experienced doctors he could find. His Deku, who desperately doesn't want him to seek revenge but in the end knows he will because he knows no other way.

His office door suddenly opens and the object of those thoughts with those gorgeous green eyes steps through smiling while he shuts the large cherry wood door behind him.

The blonde meets his sights right away giving a slight smile himself as be watches the greenett lean back against the door.

" Hi Kacchan. You been in here while. I thought you were gonna come watch TV with us."

The blonde shuts the leather-bound notebook sitting back in his chair with a smirk.

" What's wrong Deku? Miss me?"

The greenett smiles with an eye roll.

" Maybe, that and watching a movie just isn't the same without you yelling curses at the tv that the extras on the screen are idiots because they aren't doing something the way you would."

Katsuki chuckles.

" Yeah, that sounds like me. Why you standing way over there? You should be over here giving me a kiss.", he says with a smile that he knows will get him exactly what he wants.

The greenett laughs softly making his way to his boyfriend.

" It sounds like you cause it is you. You do it almost every time we watch a movie.", he says as he sits on the black desk in front of him.

Emerald eyes shift to the black notebook as he furrows his brow slightly.

" What's that?"

The blonde glances at it then picks it up placing it in his desk drawer, then reaches for the greenetts hip.

" Nothing for you to worry about.", he says giving a tense smile.

Izuku sighs, hand reaching up so he can run it through blonde spikes.

" Why don't I believe you?"

The blonde meets the worried eye of his boyfriend. Feeling his neck tense seeing the concern of those emerald gems. He clears his throat ignoring the questions asking one of his own.

" How you feeling, this still healing ok?", he asked as he lifts the greenett's tshirt to check his surgical incision.

Izuku sighs knowing the blonde doesn't want to answer the question so he doesn't push it instead he slides down into Katsuki's lap.

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