33. Destruction

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It's been a week since Katsuki did something he never in his entire life thought he'd do. A week since he shattered his own heart by breaking Izuku's to ensure his safety.

In this week the blonde mob leader feels broken in a way he never has before. When Katsuki had to leave Izuku behind the first time when they were younger it was devastating but he always knew he would be back so that somehow made things slightly easier, this time however is different because down deep he knows he can't return to him and risk his life more than he already has.

He's been drinking almost nonstop, hasn't slept more than two hours a night and has shed more tears behind closed doors than he ever has. His appetite is gone and even when he tries to eat it refuses to stay down and he honestly doesn't give two fucks right now.

It's after one am when he stumbles through the front door of his house feeling cold and completely empty. He's still a mob boss, still has business to take care of but as cold and heartless as he was before in this area his heartbreak has made him worse. He looks for reasons to pull the trigger or physically beat someone to the point of death, anything to take out that burning pain in his chest that seems to be growing by the minute.

He slips his black leather jacket off dropping it right there on the floor by the front door because he just doesn't care about anything these days.

Keys to a jet black car are tossed on a small table in the entryway while he grabs a full whisky bottle from the same place where several are stocked. Taking a long drink immediately feeling the burn he's grown attached to.

Crimson eyes glance up the staircase while he moves towards it taking each step with slugging movements. Nothing in him feels alive anymore since he cut the one thing from him that had always been his lifeline.

Once he reaches a room at the end of the hall he swings it open staring at a yellow-eyed male with worn-out pain etched on his features.

Denki meets his eye, he knows why he's in here, knows why he's come. It's the same reason he has slammed the door open to find him for the past week without fail.

He watches the blonde lean on the door frame knowing it's most likely because he's weakened from lack of sleep and food and the fact that he has consumed more alcohol lately that could take down a horse.

" How's Deku?"

Denki sighs with an ever so slight smile answering carefully because Katsuki is on the edge of everything at the moment.

" Same as he was yesterday, and the days before. He's struggling, really struggling just like you are."

That's the short version he thinks to himself. Truth was Izuku was doing horrible, just like the blonde. Both seemed to be in stages of all out self-destruction.

Katsuki only nods, his eyes not focusing on anything as he speaks again.

" Is he eating? Cause he won't, he won't drink either, and you have to make sure he's still taking his meds from the shooting."

Denki sighs.

" I do what I can when I go check on him boss but I can't force him to do those things even tho I try really hard to convince him. I'm not you and right now all he wants is you so none of that other stuff matters to him cause he's heartbroken just like you are. Funny thing is he'll ask me the same questions about you. Ask if you're eating, and taking your headache meds, he's worried about your drinking and lack of sleep that he knows you're probably going through. The two of you are so intertwined that you know exactly how the other is reacting. That's some pretty powerful stuff. This kind of connects isn't easily broken. It's going to take time if this is what you really want.", he says gently always worried he'll set of a firestorm in the unsteady blonde.

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