34.King Explosion Murderer

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Izuku sits at his desk at the police station on his first day back at work since he had been shot. He's been assigned to desk duty until he's fully recovered enough to be out on patrol.

There's a mountain of paperwork in front of him that he has absolutely no interest or desire to do. He stares down at the plie twisting a sliver pen in his hand with his mind a blonde mob leader .

It's been four weeks now since Katsuki broke things off and three weeks since the greenett has spoken to him.

He sighs feeling the ache in his heart that hasn't budged an inch. The pain is still just as bad, just as deep as it was when it happened.

" Time heals all is a load of crap" , he mumbles to himself as he shifts through the folders in front of him.

There's a voice in front of his desk suddenly.

" What was that?", Shoto ask staring down at the greenett with a slight smile.

Izuku looks up meeting bicolored eyes.

He really isn't in the mood to be social at all. In fact he doesn't even want to be here right now.

Green eyes shift back down to his work.

" Oh nothing, I'm just talking to myself like a crazy person, nothing new about that.", he mumbles again not looking up.

Shoto sits down with an amused smile almost making Izuku roll his eyes cause he's in no mood for this.

" Nice to see you back to work, welcome back Midoriya."

The greenett only nods.

" Yeah, thanks. It's been awhile and I have a mountain of work to catch up on so..."

The bicolored eyed male fails to get the hint as he continues to speak.

" You doing ok? I mean you look like you've lost a bit of weight and you definitely look tired."

The greenett sighs.

' Yeah, of this conversation', he thinks to himself clearing his throat.

" Yeah well I mean I kinda went through a lot so makes sense that if drop a few pounds and I have a bit of trouble sleeping but no big deal. Now like I said Sho I really have a lot ...."

He gets interrupted again.

"That boyfriend of yours should be taking care of you making sure you eat and rest properly. He obviously isn't doing his job.".

Izuku suddenly picks his head up slowly, green eyes going dark with a demon dancing behind pretty irises. He sits back in his seat slowly trying to get his breathing under control.

" You should mind your own fucking business Todoroki. My relationship is none of your concern. And Kacchan has taken care of me on a level you could never understand. You're lucky I need my job or my fist would be in your face right now, now like I said, twice, I have work to catch up on.", he breathes out, his look stone cold without blinking.

Shoto studies him then stands up putting his hands in his pockets.

" I just don't get it.", he says finally eyes still on the greenett who narrows his own eyes.

" I know you don't. You couldn't possibly."

As Shoto begins to walk away he shifts his sights back to the greenett at the desk.

" You know we never did find the guys who shot you."

A slow smile forms on the greenett, darkness on his features, the kind that makes you shiver because it holds traces of a demon.

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