28. Forgiveness

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Katsuki rubs tired crimson eyes letting out a yawn as he stands from the chair he's been sitting in all night right by his boyfriend's side.

He kept his promise not to move, to hold that smaller hand in his all through the night and that's exactly what he did.

Izuku had woken up a few times when the pain started to kick in as the meds would wear off. The blonde would soothe him, talking to him softly and reassuring him that he would be ok as new meds would be re-administered to calm the pain.

He glances down at the greenett who is once again knocked out from the meds he's on. There's a slight smile on exhausted features as he leans down and moves a green lock of hair. Izuku may be passed out cold but he's alive and slowly recovering and that's enough right now.

Katsuki moves to the window his movements sluggish from lack of sleep. He lifts the shade letting soft morning light fill the room instead of the stark stale hospital lighting that he's grown to loathe over the past few days. Built arms stretch above his head trying to push some much needed energy through his system. He hadn't slept much last night an hour or two at most sure to be awake whenever Izuku would wake in a pain filled restless fits calling sometimes incoherently for the blonde.

He takes a sip from his coffee cup, letting the black magic seep into his soul though he's so tired he's not sure it will even do any good at this point.

The door to the room suddenly creaks open slowly behind him. He doesn't turn around right away assuming it's the staff coming in to check Izuku's vitals and change his iv bag. But when he hears a slight what almost sounds like a wimper of distress he turns around swiftly.

The familiar teary green eyes looking back at him drop his heart into his stomach as his Styrofoam coffee cup falls to the floor.

" A-auntie Inko", he stammers out suddenly becoming a fifteen year old kid and not a hardened mob boss who is feared by almost everyone except the woman at the door and her son laying in the bed.

A gentle smile forms on her face at the sight of the boy she had loved even as trouble-making child.

" Katsuki. It's been so long, too long.", she says softly making him want to cry immediately.

He's frozen in place, the Mafia Boss scared to make a move, scared to see the disappointment in green eyes at what he had become and for the pain he knows he caused her son then and even now. So many things he wants to say, so many words he feels desperate to let her know are stuck in his throat that feels like it's closing up at the moment.

Inko's gaze shifts to her son's hospital bed worry evident on her features. She walks to his bedside giving his hand a gentle squeeze as she leans down and kisses his cheek.

Crimson eyes watch even as they burn with the tears begging to come. He stays perfectly still, heart hammering, mind racing with thoughts and feelings that are causing his head to swim in ways he can't seem to calm.

Her sights now shift to the blonde who will always be a little lost blonde boy in her mind. She sees his pain, his worry, his shame and even as her heart breaks for her own blood in the bed it also does for the male speechless before her.

She leaves Izuku's bedside and walks to the blonde who towers over her in height. Her smile remains warm even while tears flow from eyes the same shade as her boys. Small hands reach up and take Katsuki face in both gentle palms.

" I always knew you'd come back. I told Izuku many, many nights you would come back to him. Welcome home Katsuki Bakugo, my boy."

In a rare moment witnessed by few, the blonde Mafia leader breaks. He breaks completely in sobs that echo through the small hospital room as he engulfs the smaller woman in a bear hug as he weeps into her shoulder.

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