24. The Wait

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Katsuki sits in the waiting room of a dimly lit hospital with a pounding in his head that rivals any of the worst headaches he's ever had in his life. His stomach twist with nervous anxiety as he waits to hear anything about the only man he's ever loved, the only man he ever will.

It's been over an hour now and last he checked fifteen minutes ago Izuku was still in intense surgery to stop the severe internal bleeding caused by the bullets that hit him. There's damage to some of his major organs in his abdomen and it's wreaking hell as the surgeons try desperately to get the bleeding under control and the damage repaired. The blonde can tell by the look on the nurse's face when she explains the situation that things back there are most likely more dire than she's letting on and this is causing the ruthless madman that lives inside the mob leader to twitch with murderous insanity.

He has walked the waiting room floor so much that he's sure he's left a trail by now. The only reason he's even sitting at the moment is the damn screaming in his head is threatening to take him down and the fuck if he's letting that happen.

Leaning his head back on the wall he closes his eyes trying to calm the rampant pounding in his heart and against his skull. He continues to bounce his knee with unease, a feeling he knows is only going to grow each minute green eyes are kept from his sight.

A few seats from him, being sure to give the edgy mob leader some space a yellow-eyed mob henchman sits perfectly still.

Denki sits with his head down a solemn expression on his features, yellow eyes still red and brim with tears from time to time. He saw the sight, saw the lifeless-looking swat cop he'd had grown close to bleeding out on a city sidewalk, a sight he can't seem to shake. He's a mob henchman, he's witnessed a lot, done a lot, but when it comes to someone close to you, it hits different, harder. He picks his head up now looking over at the devastated mob boss and speaks gently.

" Boss? Do you need anything? M-maybe something for your head?"

Crimson eyes slowly open looking over at his associate.

The blonde stays quiet for a minute before he answers in a dull voice laced with pain and anger.

" Yeah, I need the bastards who did this. I need them in front of me so that I can cause pain on a scale that doesn't even exist yet."

Denki feels a sickness rise in his gut at the tone his boss just used. It's heartless, emotionless and the only thing that drips from it and seeps into your soul is blackness, the kind that allows Katsuki to be ruthless and unhinged and the one thing he knows is that whoever it is that hurt Izuku is going to die an excruciating and cold death.

He swallows hard and nods.

" Yeah, I get that boss. But.. Mido would be upset if he knew you were suffering with this headache, you know how worried he gets about you.", Denki says calmly.

Katsuki shifts his eyes across the room looking at nothing as he lets his mind think of worried green eyes that always took care of him in his weakest moments. He doesn't say anything only gives a slight nod.

The yellow-eyed male takes this as a small victory with a small smile while he goes to ask a nurse for something for the blonde's pain.

Denki returns shortly handing him two pills with a bottle of cold water.

Katsuki eyes the pills laying in his large palm as he rolls them around in his hand. Crimson eyes are thoughtful as he sighs.

"Deku always panicked when I got these shitty headaches, even as kids. He would beg me to lie down so he could rub my temples and calm me down. I use to do it more for his benefit than mine but.. truth is out of everything ever prescribed for them, he's the only thing that ever fucking worked.", he says seeming to almost speak to the memory itself.

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