27. First Things First

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A set of yellow eyes look up suddenly from the book he's flipping through when Izuku's hospital room door opens.

Denki lifts a brow seeing his boss look down at him with exhausted but tired eyes.

" I have to meet Shinso outside for a few minutes. You stay here and don't let anyone in this room unless it's staff, even then you better be damn sure they are who they say they are. I'll be back."

" Yeah of course. Something up Boss?", the male asked curiously as the blonde begins to walk away.

Katsuki stops but doesn't turn around only shifts his head to the side.

"I don't know for sure yet.", is all he says before heading outside.

He's outside smoking a cigarette pacing when he's finally met by a purple haired male with darker circles under his eyes than he has.

The male smirks leaning against the large hospital building.

" Damn boss. You might actually look more tired than I do."

Katsuki eyes him with a tired shrug.

" It's been a fucked up couple days. I can sleep this look off you on the other hand carry that shit around forever, that's your face.".

Shinso actually chuckles at that.

" Yeah I guess so. How's your boy?"

He watches his bosses eyes shift across the street with a pained expression while he takes another drag from the cigarette in his fingers.

" Alive, that's all that matters right now. Now tell me everything you found out."

Shinso nods.

" Man this was one of the harder tracks downs I've ever done, it wasn't easy. I went through a hell of a lot of informants, broke a lot of bones and the one person I never expected finally came to me without me having to go to him and boss you are not gonna believe who it was."

Katsuki cocks a brow.

" Who?"

" Leo."

Blonde brows furrow deeply.

" Daluka's main guy?"

" That's the one. He came to me because he's scared man. He knows you aren't anything to be fucked with and believe me when I say this dude is freaked out."

There's a pounding in Katsuki head and lava now traveling through his veins because he knows that if Daluka's main hit man is worried it's because Daluka was involved, something he had a feeling about all along.

" It was Daluka?! Is that what you're telling me right now?!", the blonde snaps, that last sting of sanity fraying away rapidly.

Shinso shakes his head yes.

" Yea, I mean he didn't do the hit himself, he hired someone else."

Katsuki is pacing again, his trigger finger aching.

" Was it Leo who fired the shots??"

" No, that's the thing. When Daluka first told Leo what he was planning Leo tried to talk him out of it. Told him that it was a crazy idea and that you would go feral and definitely come for him, that you wouldn't stop till you took him down. Leo is scared man, cause he doesn't want you to come after him in the process. I've known Leo a long time, he's always been ride or die with Daluka but not this time, he turned against his boss and you know what that means."

The Mafia Boss glances at his henchman.

" Yeah, it means he's gonna die either way. Die because he betrayed his boss or die because I put a bullet between his eyes just for working for Daluka, either way his days are numbered because I will burn it all down, everyone that works for him or has anything to do with him, that includes his fucking family, and then I'm coming for him."

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