5. Right Here Waiting

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There's no sound in the room now, no movement either except for the rapid beating of Izuku's heart that to him sounds like it's bouncing off the bedroom walls.

Katsuki holds his sharp piercing gaze as he keeps the greenett in an arm cage with both strong arms planted palm side down against the door.

As the two stare at the other Izuku is suddenly swept up by a turmoil of emotions and now talking doesn't seem like such a good idea or even possible at the moment..

He struggles under the eyes that have always known how to take him down so effortlessly even when Katsuki wasn't trying.

He swallows the lump in his throat and fights the tears that are begging to fall. The greenett reaches back putting his hand on the silver doorknob.

" I ... this.. this was a mistake. I can't do this", Izuku whispers.

But before he can turn the handle and make his escape, the blonde reaches back and puts his hand over the greenetts.

" You're here Deku, and if you came all this way at 2 fucking am and picked my lock to sneak into my God damn room part of you must want to be here, stop being so fucking stubborn and just listen a minute. "

Izuku looks up at him, green eyes glassy with tears that he's starting to lose the battle with.

He narrows those seeping green orbs, that are full of so many emotions they look like a storm front even in the darkness.

" How do you know I came to talk?! Maybe.. maybe I came to kill you, take down the head mob boss since I finally know where he is.", Izuku's voice is low, desperate to keep the cracking from it, yet pain and anger unmistakable in each word breathed.

Katsuki stares at him, crimson eyes dark, brooding with his own pain and anger on the rise at this greenett who doesn't understand and refuses to listen.

The blonde leans in, his bare chest rising and falling with painful frustration.

He keeps one hand planted firmly on the door, the other that's on top of Izuku's makes a very sudden quick move as he takes that hand and reaches behind the greenett pulling a gun from his waistband that he knew Izuku was carrying.

He places the barrel to his own head quickly, his larger finger on top of the startled greenetts on the trigger beginning to squeeze.

" You wanna kill me Deku? Wanna take me out for leaving you broken hearted with more questions than answers? Wanna make finally pay for the six years I left you abandoned without me? Is that what you want huh?! A little pay back, the final fucking send off, go ahead then Deku.. do it. Pull the trigger, end my own God damn misery, because that's all it's been without you" , the blonde says keeping eyes eyes locked.

Both males hearts are running rampt as a silence falls, there's tears down both faces and neither one even realizes it.

Izuku is stunned into silence, his shaking hand on the trigger of a gun held to the head of the only man he's ever loved.

His green eyes are frantic and when he feels Katsuki's index finger reach up and pull back the safety on the gun he knows this crazy blonde means what he says.

Emerald eyes go wide.

" K-acchan, stop it! Stop it right now! Let my hand go ! "

Katsuki makes no move at first, keeps his larger hand over Izuku's that's struggling under it to let go of his own gun.

" Kacchan! I mean it! Let go dammit!"

The blonde swiftly pulls the gun from his head taking it from Izuku's hand all together as he stands back and unloads the bullet clip, tossing it across the floor then slamming the unloaded gun down on his dresser.

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