7. Comfort

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Katsuki stares up at the green eyes looking down at him as the greenett sits beside him on the bed.

Izuku furrows his brows at the silence.

" You going to answer me or do I have to search your room to find them?", the greenett ask.

The blonde gives him a half smile chuckling lightly.

" Don't you need a warrant for that you sassy shit ?"

Izuku rolls his eyes.

" It's not sass, it's annoyance, now tell me where they are Kacchan"

Katsuki raises an amused brow a smile curving at the corners of his lips enjoying the teasing, it was like old times, when things were simpler, a time when the playful back and forth between the two was a daily occurrence.

" What are you gonna do if I don't huh? You gonna arrest me Officer Midoriya? Careful Deku, I might like the cuffs, might like to use them on you more tho"

There's a blush on Izuku's face that even in the dim room Katsuki could see.

He smirks, loving the fact that he can still pull the reaction, Deku always got flustered so easy when it came to Katsuki's flirting, it's clear that hasn't changed.

The greenett blinks down as him caught off guard by the words at first.

He shakes his head finally in disbelief.

" Ugh. Why .. why are you like this?! That's it I'm leaving" , he says as he gets up suddenly.

Katsuki breaks into a loud chuckle, even tho it causes his head to ache, his forearm still drapped over his forehead.

" You use to like me like this, loved me even, and the nightstand Deku, they're in the damn night stand"

Izuku gives Katsuki a fake glare as he takes a step to the perfectly polished dark colored nightstand opening the drawer and peering inside.

His eyes go wide seeing the whole drawer filled with several different pill bottles of every shape and size.

He sits down again, the expression on his face changing to one of shocked worry.

He begins to shift through the bottles picking them up reading the labels and names.

" Kacchan..are.. are you sick?!"

The blonde studies him seeing the worry on a complexion that paled with concern.

Katsuki reaches up and touches his cheek, fingers lightly brushing freckles he always loved.

" No, I'm not sick calm down"

Izuku meets his gaze one of the bottles still in his hand.

" Then what are all these??" , he questions again.

He watches Katsuki shrug as he lazily takes the bottle from the greenett's hand looking at it briefly before he looks back at green eyes.

" You name it Deku, there's shit in there for everything. Headaches, body aches, insomnia, pain, mood swings, stress. Pills to wake me up or knock me the fuck out."

Izuku stares into the drawer again silent as he picks them up seeing exactly what Katsuki said.

The blondes eyes are on nothing but him tho, he sees questions in eyes he knows better than any other.

" This life isn't easy Izuku, it's been even harder without you. It takes a toll after awhile, I've seen shit, done shit that would haunt anyone, shitty Doctors think the first thing you need are pills when they don't know how to fix it, so they shove that shit at me."

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