6. Distracted

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Izuku sits at his desk at the police station where he works, a black pen resting between his fingers that he keeps absentmindly drumming on his desk.

He should be filling out paperwork on the arrest he had today but his mind isn't on work, it's on a blonde mob leader he hasn't seen in five days since he left his house.

Emerald eyes drift off out the window. He told Katsuki he would be back to talk, he will, he thinks anyway, he's just not sure when. There's so much to say, so much needed to be said, but there's also so much raw emotion there that words come out so intense they burn through each other like hot metal through butter.

Even after everything that's happened he doesn't want to hurt the blonde that he's loved since they were kids, and he knows some of what he's said has already done that. He needs to find a way to get his emotions under control before he attempts to go back so that they can shift through everything.

His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a voice next to his desk.

" Hey Midoriya. You ok, you've seemed pretty distracted all day"

Izuku looks up to see a male with bicolor eyes and hair staring down at him with his normal straight faced gaze.

The greenett clears his throat sitting back in his chair hearing it rock back under his weight.

" Hi Shoto, yeah I'm fine, just tired I guess, haven't slept all that great lately"

The male nods pulling up a spare chair sitting down.

" That's not good, or safe in our line of business, you can't afford to not be focused out there Midoriya, is someone bothering you thats keeping you awake?"

Izuku eyes the male next to him with a shrug and a slight smile not feeling all that much like having this or any other conversation right now.

" Oh nothing I can't handle, I'll be fine"

Emerald eyes shift back down to the paperwork on his desk as he once again starts to write.

There's a few minutes of silence before he hears Shoto clear his throat almost nervously.

" So Midoriya, I've been meaning to ask you, if you aren't busy sometime this week, maybe we could get together one night after work for dinner or something"

The pen in Izuku's hand goes still as his eyes shoot in the direction of a question asked that's now just hanging in the air.

Shoto Todoroki has been a friend of Izuku's now for around three years. They met when Shoto joined the force and became friends fairly quickly and although the greenett likes the guy alot, he doesn't like him like this and especially not when his relationship with a hot headed, hot tempered mob leader lies in the balance.

" Oh um. I .. I don't think so Sho, I mean don't get me wrong, I think you're an amazing guy, it's just .. I don't think it's a good idea to date someone I work with, things could get messy or something and I'd hate to ruin our friendship" , Izuku says with a hint of nerves on his tone hating the awkward feeling now rising in his chest.

Shoto doesn't say anything at first, only leaves his expression unreadable as he looks into emerald eyes that are now showing signs of discomfort at the situation.

Izuku actually starts to shift in his seat not liking the sudden feel and silence in the room, he's getting ready to excuse himself when the bicolored eyed male finally speaks.

" I see. Are you involved with someone else?"

The question comes out calm and monotone, but the look the males eyes is somehow unsettling.

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