29. Hell to Come

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It's been a little over two weeks since Izuku had been shot outside that pizza place on a city sidewalk and now he's finally well enough to leave the hospital and do the rest of his recovery at his boyfriend's, who already hired a nurse to come in daily and check the greenett making sure he stays on the mend. Something Izuku said wasn't necessary but something Katsuki insisted on.

He's been healing well with the blonde never leaving his side with visits from his mom and even a late night card game with Denki when Katsuki felt confident enough to let someone else in the room.

The swat cop is currently sitting on his hospital bed anxious to leave and get back to the blonde's.

He's trying to pull his shirt on but is struggling because the shoulder where he was shot is still sore.

There's an annoyed mumble that Katsuki hears as soon as he enters the room after signing some papers and getting Izuku's meds for home.

The mob leader chuckles as soon as he walks in seeing the frustrated greenett.

His boyfriend eyes him with huff.

" Stop laughing at me Kacchan, this is so annoying!"

Katsuki reaches into his own bag that he had brought to the hospital and pulls out one of his zip up hoodies undoing the zip and walking to his frustrated Deku.

" Here, let me help you nerd,this will be easier.", he says as he slips Izuku's non hurt arm through one sleeve and drapes the other arm sleeve over the wounded shoulder then does the zip up looking into green eyes that smile at him.

" Thanks Kacchan. You always did take care of me and thank you for staying here these whole two weeks."

The blonde gives him a smile.

" I wouldn't leave here without you. Not a damn chance. Now come on let's get you home so you can rest."

Izuku laughs softly as he takes the blonde's hand who is leading him out the door.

" Kacchan I've been resting for over two weeks. I'm a lot better than I was."

The blonde looks down at him as they head out.

" Tch. You still have to take it easy Deku. You went through a lot. You're recovery isn't over so you will still need plenty of rest."

Izuku squeezes the blonde's hand.

" Whatever you say Kacchan", he smiles knowing his boyfriend will make sure of what he says.

Not too long later the couple is walking through the door of Katsuki's house to get met by three very happy mob henchman.

" Midoooooo! Welcome home man!", Kirishima cheers

" Yeah bro, welcome back!", Sero grins.

Denki looks as if he actually might cry as he goes to hug the greenett he's grown so found of.

" Mido, I'm.. I'm so happy you're doing better and back."

Surprisingly the blonde mob leader allows it, till he doesn't.

" Oi, alright Dunce take it easy on him."

Izuku laughs with a smile at the three.

" Hi guys. Thanks for the welcome back! Denks we'll play some cards tomorrow, so I can win my ten bucks back. But for now I'm going to go up and lay down so Kacchan doesn't blow a fuse.", he says with a grin looking at his boyfriend who rolls his eyes.

" Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's get you settled nerd.", the blonde says taking Izuku hand leading him to his room.

It's not long later when the greenett is settled in the blonde's large king sized bed propped up against several soft pillows.

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