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                  •death threats
        •mention of abortions

Killua's POV

"Retz, you better chill the fuck out. I really don't think you want to play with me right now."

"Shut it you weird white haired bitch. My family will own you and feed you to our pets."

"So funny Retz, instead of becoming a singer you should have became a comedian. At least that roll suits you better. Now quit trying to act tough, I know who the fuck you're working with."

"And I know Gon's and your secret. I won't let you get away for taking him from me, and I won't let him get away with dumping me."

"I'm giving you one last chance to back down Retz. I'm warning you."

"Talk to my block list Killua💕."

Before I could respond to her message, she blocks me.

I groaned loudly in irritation while clutching my bed sheets tightly. That fucking brat, so fucking annoying, if only she would just keep her nose out of other people's asses because of her damn mistake with Gon, this whole situation would be a whole lot easier.

I call Gon and sigh in irritation.
Waiting for him to pick up. When he does I immediately get to the subject.

"Gon I tried talking to her, she didn't fucking listen and blocked me. And said some dumb crap about her family owning me and feeding me to her pets."

"What else did she say?" He questions.

"She says she knows our secret, she won't let me get away with taking you from her, and she won't let you get away with dumping her."

I could hear him laugh over the phone and snort. "Really? I think she's forgetting who the best actor in the world is right now. My fan base doesn't care what she has to say."

There goes him being cocky with the 'best actor' thing. Even though he isn't really wrong at all. Some fans might turn on him, but he still has plenty of more to back him up. Right now no one likes Retz, so as much Information as she leeks out, it wouldn't faze them.

Now hisoka on the other hand...people really only like him because he's so called 'hot' and they might even try to defend Retz for him.

But even still, not much people will back him up over me and Gon.

I think it's starting to come down to the time we'll have to confess we are dating if things go really out of hand..

"Killua? Are you still there?" Gon asks, making me snap out of my thoughts and laugh nervously.

"Yes. Sorry. Have you spoken to Hisoka yet?"

"He...uhm. No..he..hasn't."

The way Gon's Voice slowly got quiet immediately made me think something was wrong. Does he not wanna tell me? Is it that bad..? Is he going to keep secrets from me now? What if Hisoka threatened him? No...Gon can handle himself perfectly fine. Maybe he just can't say right now..or maybe Hisoka didn't say anything at all..

"O-okay." Is all I could say. It was an awkward silence until my phone started to vibrate from someone else calling me. "Um Gon I have to go. Getting other call."

I hung up and Looked at the name of the person who's calling, it was bisky. As I answered the phone she groans.

"Listen Killua. I already know about you and Gon. And I swear I thought you hated him, and never in a hundred years would I think you'd get with him.

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