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"I..I...really don't wanna let you go...I can't....I just can't see you with someone else...." A soft voice says

"Your so beautiful....That even I can't look away from the moonlight that" It goes silent for a while until someone sighs angrily and yells out.


"DAMNIT, CUT!" A high pitched voice from behind the scenes says, the director, Biscuit Krueger. She Came out yelling angrily while putting a hand on her hip and tapping her foot on the ground fastly.

"DID YOU EVEN PRACTICE THE PARTS WHEN YOU WENT HOME?!" She says while rubbing her temples.

"I'm very sorry ma'am! I'll try harder."
The guy saids while bowing and rubbing his neck. She looks at the other and pouts. "Killua, Go take a brake while I get things situated."

"Yes ma'am." Killua says nonchalantly while walking off the set and putting his hands in his pocket.

Killua's POV

I looked behind me to see body Guards with black glasses and black suits following me and looking around.
"You know I'm still in the building right? I don't need to be followed."

They stay silent, Still keeping an eye on me. I roll my eyes turning back to look ahead of me. I could see reporters and fans yelling and screaming to see me. Sweat started to form on the side of my face while falling down slightly.

"Okay...time to get this over with.." I mumble in annoyance while walking out of the door to be greeted by loud people yelling and trying to grab me into the crowd.




"DATE ME!!!"

I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment from the complements being throw at me. "Yeah yeah...whatever."






I gave a small smile while waving my hand at everyone while also giving them high fives, sometimes not being able to free my hand from their grips needing a little help from the guards.

Making it to the limousine, The guards helped me in while shutting the door and waving the car off. I sigh in relief while grabbing my phone out my pocket and checking social media.

I squinted my eyes a little so I could adjust to the bright light. I scroll threw my phone for a little while until something caught my interest. 'The first Coolest Movie star..?' I thought to myself.

I tapped the screen curious to see who was above me. Looking at the long paragraphs I see a picture of a hot looking guy. My face started to burn from Anger and embarrassment Once I realized who I was staring at.

"Gon freecss?!" I yelled and whispered.
I hated him, He was the worst human being I have ever known. 'How is he a better actor than me?! This is so damn fake!'

While my thoughts were going all over the place, My fingers clicked at the phone screen roughly trying to find out how he could ever been in the number one spot.

I see some comments underneath some paragraphs. I look at them slowly, word by word, only to become even angrier.

Gon has such good acting skills, I forget that he's even acting!

He's honestly way better than any other movie star. My opinion.

I would literally use all of my money just to buy his movies!!

Yo, I fr think that Gon has way more experience than that other actor killua Zoldyck. Or whatever his name is.

I read the last comment while clenching my phone tightly until I heard a small crack. "Stupid Fuck!!"
I yelled while throwing my phone making it hit the seat in front of me.

My arms became crossed And I was trying hard not to brake something. I took a deep breath and looked out the window. The way everything was looking I could tell I was close to my house.

"I'll become The best soon....just you wait Gon freecss.."

Professional Actor  (Gonkillu)Where stories live. Discover now