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A few more months went by, and everything finally stopped. All the Unnecessary drama was put to a small end and barely no one spoke about it. Just Barely.

Killua and Gon have been slowly keeping their distance, as they did not want to go threw all of those problems all over again. It's not like they wouldn't some times meet up just to chat by themselves, but its not that often. They don't get to speak to each other without anyone, its only on set they can really make contact without seeming weird.

But Sometimes Gon would be to awkward to even look at killua. Due to those dreams he keeps having almost every night on accident.


12:53 pm

"Did you say you loved me only so you could leave again? Why.? I don't understand how you could think about me for years, find me, and then leave for someone else.."

"It's not like that at all! You know why I have to leave, and it's not because I don't want to be with you..."
The raven-haired paused for a second.

"I wouldn't have gone threw all that trouble just to find you and throw you to the side...believe me, I wouldn't do that to you.."

Before the raven-haired could speak again, the albino fell slowly to his knees, sobbing softly to the point when he heard himself each time, he'd get louder. The small thud of him hitting his knees and sobbing shocked the raven-haired as he just stared, paralyzed of the fact he caused his break down.

"What are you even talking about?! Your doing it right now!"

"Your leaving me right now...I-I really don't wanna let you go...I can't...I just can't see you with someone else...!"

The raven-haired stayed silent for a second once again...not knowing what to say, but knowing he's starting to break the bond he had took years to remake. He had to do what he had to do, even if it meant losing someone he dearly cared about for another few years.

He slowly went down to his knees, immediately pulling the sobbing albino into a deep and passionate hug.

"Im sorry ok...I do really love you, and I know it's only been sometime we spent together...but I just have to go."

He sighed and lifted the albino's chin, now facing into his pouring eyes of sadness, finally trying to get out what he's been wanting to say to him for the while that he's been staying with him.

"Your so beautiful...so beautiful That even I cant look away from that glisten of pure moonlight shining in your sapphire eyes...this is exactly when I knew I met a angel for the first time.."

"Cut it!" Breaking the best acting duo Bisky clapped her hands in attempt to get everyone's attention. "Okay Okay that's a rap! You guys really did good, for a second I felt as if you two have really been getting closer." She laughed as Gon and Killua nervously laughed and helped each other up.

As Killua wiped his face from tearing up, Gon placed his hand on his shoulder, raising a brow in concern. "Are you ok? You actually seemed really upset."

Killua just gave him a look in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Are you an idiot? Of course I'm supposed to look upset, that's the part. You thought I was crying for no reason or something? Plus if I'm that good at fooling you, I'll be the best actor soon."

"haha sorry. And I don't think so killua, I'll be 50 by the time you actually end up getting that place." He Immediately regretted those words when he earned a glare from killua.

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