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Gon's POV

"Why are you here?" I asked sternly while keeping my gaze on the guy. Anyone who took a first look upon him would think this guy was a total drunk.

His hair was black and definitely needed to be brushed or combed out, He had eye bags that made him look like he hasn't slept for weeks, And his clothing was slightly tore apart with dirt covered almost everywhere. And that was Killua's friend?

"I'm here to talk to my boyfriend of course. Is that a problem man?" The Guy said grinning in the most creepiest way.

I wasn't phased by his expression, But his words confused me. Boyfriend..? Since when did Killua have that.? When I asked him about when his last relationship was he told me it was a month ago.

Making my gaze shift to Killua, He looked pissed and upset, but he continued not to say anything and just kept glaring at the guy in front of me. Was he actually dating this guy? That question made my heart ache. I don't know why but I some what felt...disappointed.

"Yeah but we can talk later. I'm actually busy and need to get back to work." Killua had finally spoke up and sighed. Without hesitation he placed his hands in his pockets and sped walked away. he didn't bother to say goodbye to his 'boyfriend'

I watched him walk away for a while until he was completely out of my vision. Then I turned to look at the creep that held a weird look on his face. It made me want to kick the shit out of him. "How did you even enter this place?"

He grinned and placed his hand on my shoulder while patting it. "The cutie that just left let me in. Isn't he just so kindhearted?"

I didn't try to hold back my disgusted and annoyed expression. Even though I considered it very disrespectful, This guy had it coming anyways.

"My name is Eric by the way...And if you don't mind I'll be in here waiting for my boyfriend." He bit his lip and tried going pass me before I gripped his shoulder with my hand and Forcibly turned him to where we were facing each other once again.

"Actually..I do mind. Instead of waiting for him in here how about you leave and wait for him outside." I started pulling him towards the exit until he pushed me off of him and glared. "That's rude to kick a guest out, And it seemed like it was going to rain."

I stared at him in annoyance and pushed him harshly outside. "Hope you brought an umbrella then."

Before he could get the chance to respond I slammed the doors and went back to being enthusiastic and getting ready for my meeting. While I was walking back I heard shuffling In the locker rooms and automatically thought that he was changing back into his regular clothes.

Once I went in He was in his room across from mine, sitting down and looking into a mirror. We weren't allowed to go in each other's rooms but instead I ignored the rules and peeked inside.

For a moment I just admired him from a far while a little white fan in front of him, blew on his hair making it sway back and forth slowly. He obviously was day dreaming until I called out his name which made him flinch in surprise and shock.

"Killua are you good?" I asked as he picked up a random item from his desk and threw it at me. I caught it and laughed as I invited myself in.

"Don't just sneak up on someone like that! What is wrong with you!?" He yelled as his face turned a little shade of red.

"Aww I'm sorry. I thought you knew that I was here. You know, since you say you can sense when people are near?"

He rolled his eyes and got up from his chair sighing In annoyance. "Why are you in my changing room? Shouldn't you be getting ready for that meeting?"

walking closer to him without realizing it, I lifted up his chin slowly and made him make eye contact with me. "Yeah but I have a few minutes to spare. I wanted to speak to you a little." At that point I didn't know what I was saying and why I was feeling so weird. I couldn't stop thinking about him and that Eric guy dating.

"G-Gon I'm getting tired of you doing this. Let go." Killua looked away and placed his hand on my chest, pushing me away a little.

Without thinking I moved my hand from his chin and placed both of them on his waist. He tensed up and let out a noise in shock which snapped me out of what ever I was doing and let go. "Oh- um- Sorry Killua.." 

Shifting my gaze to look at him, His face was bright red and he looked a little to vulnerable. I could feel my whole body heat up which made me blush in shame.

"Just...get out. I don't have time to speak and You aren't even supposed to be in here." Killua said as he kept looking away somewhere else.

"Yeah, your right...but are you actually dating that guy?" I said bluntly, not considering how he feels about the conversation that I started.

He finally looked at me, but with a disgusted expression plated on his face as if he didn't want to hear the name I had said. "Why does it matter to you? Shouldn't you be worrying about yourself and Retz or whatever?"

He was right. I don't understand why I was worrying about it so much. I'm not the one dating him after all, Just now I almost touched him sexually even though I'm already in a relationship.

That was a stupid move. What in the hell is wrong with me..?

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