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Killua's POV

9Million likes

It's been Two days since I talked about stopping the rumors. And no one believed what I said. The rumors are spreading more and more and it's been happening on all social media, even the news won't shut up. If I was seeing this, then I know Gon was too. Only a few people believed what was said to be false rumors. But that's only a few.

Today I was resting In bed while watching Tv and scrolling threw my phone. Being the curious person that I am I looked into Gon's Social media to see he also posted something to get the rumors to calm down.

'Guys, This needs to stop. The rumors have been getting out of control and They need to stop NOW. Killua Zoldyck Has already Made everything clear that there is nothing between us. A lot of you choose not to listen and now I have to speak upon this. The pictures of us need to be deleted at once. If they are not deleted by the time Killua Zoldyck is healed then We both will find who took the pictures in the first place and have them put in jail. That is stalking. If they are deleted and you still have the pictures then deleted them or don't post them. Actors have to speak in order to complete a movie. It doesn't mean we are in a secret or sexual relationship. Thank you for understanding. If people still continue to not listen then there will be consequences.'

After reading that It felt like all the stress just went away. I took a calm and relaxing sigh while commenting something under the post just because then shutting off my phone and drifting off to sleep. At least that's one problem Gone. Now people still have to find that guy who injured me.

Gon's POV

Finally Finishing the post I place my chin in my hand and Sigh in Irritation Of course being an actor wasn't easy. But this is just tiring. "Baby! I was calling you!" A high pitched Voice yelled which made me snap out of my thoughts instantly.

"Oh, sorry Love. I was just thinking about all these rumors." I said while rubbing the back of my neck Sheepishly. Retz sat down beside me while rubbing my arm soothingly. "When are you going to let the world know about us...? It would stop the rumors about you and Killua Zoldyck."

She was right. But I couldn't because then everyone would be trying to get pictures of Retz and me which would create more Drama. I don't want Retz to be in danger to.

"Um..how about we wait. I promise I will tell them but for Now let's just keep you safe." Smiling at her reassuringly she nods and smiles back.

"Fine. But the pictures did kinda seem like you two were close....I'm not saying that you guys are but anyone would look at it like you both are a couple." I could hear the tint of sadness in her voice. And her expression went upset as she looked down at her legs and put her hand on top of her other hand.

I put my hand under her chin and kissed her softly while pulling back and switching my hand to her cheek. "Don't worry Retz. Nothing is going on with me and him. It's only me and you."

Her expression quickly changed from sad and upset to Happy and lovely. She hugged me while kissing me multiple times everywhere which made me laugh a little and push her softly. "I love you Gon! I should write a new song just for us!"

Retz is a famous singer who has a lot of really nice songs. My aunt Mito is a huge fan of hers and listens to her songs on repeat everyday. She was shocked and almost started to cry when I introduced Her to Retz and told her we were dating. Both Retz and Mito also enjoy Killua's movies.

It kinda made me feel bad knowing Retz really loves Killua's movies but rumors are spreading that me and him are dating. If it were the other way around I would feel jealous to. Hopefully the rumors stop and never continue again.

"Hey Baby, I have to work on things now. You should also work!" She says while getting up and smiling. Retz was really amazing and I didn't want anything coming over our relationship. Especially not false rumors.

"Yeah your right. Don't over work yourself ok love?" She rolls her eyes and starts to walk away. "I should be saying that to you!" I laugh wholeheartedly and grab my phone to check what everyone is saying. "949,000 comments and 10M likes.."

'Can you guys stop! Literally both Killua Zoldyck and Gon freecss made it clear they aren't dating.'

'I'm pretty sure Killua Zoldyck is dating. Do you not see his looks?'

'Everyone here is fucking stupid.'

'But why aren't you two dating?? I feel like you both are a perfect fit for each other.'

'Bruh.....I'm pretty sure two people would know if they are dating each other or not.'

'How do we know if you guys are just saying you aren't dating just to keep it a secret so we don't get suspicious?'

'Gon freecss doesn't lie. And Killua Zoldyck may be Sarcastic all the time but he seemed pretty serious on his post to.'

How are some of these people still arguing about us dating? We both made it clear we weren't and people are still saying we are. Geez...Guess now me and Killua both have to go out in public and say it.

But I do hope Killua isn't getting stressed about this. He should be worrying about his injury and resting. "Did we really look like a couple in those pictures so much? All we were doing was talking normally..." I said to myself while still looking at the comments.

But there was one comment that made me laugh a little. And it was from Killua.

'You people really don't listen huh?😪🙄'

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