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Killua's POV

A loud bang was heard from the front door of my house, It made me look away from my phone for a second and my body paralyzed in fear.

Before I could react to get up and investigate the door could be heard slamming open and the first thought that came in my mind was 'How did the door open..? it was locked'

My eyes shifted back towards my phone and I realizing it was still on live I quickly said my goodbyes and thank you's before shutting off my phone and running towards my room door quietly.
"Oh baby...where are you? This is your address, right?"

Adrenaline immediately rushed inside my body and I could feel my breath shake in fear. Outside of my room I could hear the creaking floor as the footsteps made their way around, Definitely looking for me.

I hesitantly Made my way towards my closet looking for something I could use to try and defend myself.

My butler was probably done from finishing his chores, So he would probably be gone by now, which just left me and the guy that I really didn't think would be this crazy to show up at my house. Eric.

"If you don't answer or come out I'll have no choice to but to find you...and you know what happens If I find you myself." The tone of Eric's voice was identical to a maniacs. And his footsteps were horrifying as they had  gotten louder and threatening.

A little later I had calmed myself down and could finally breath without feeling dizzy or like there wasn't any air to take in due to the panicking.

Since I couldn't find anything in my closet all my trust went into my fists to defined me.

Finally, My room door slammed open. And it went silent. The most horrifying silence filled the room until my phone went off from a text message.

My reflexes covered the bottom of my phone which muffled the sound a little. Eric must've not heard it because he was still walking around the room.

I checked the message quickly and it was from an unknown number. But I knew who it was as they said their name in the text.

Hey killua its Gon.
Are you alright?

At this point I wasn't concerned about how he got my number and why he texted me. My mind was focused on the footsteps and creepy humming from outside of my closet that were slowly getting closer.

But what exactly would I say to him? Oh, Eric snuck into my house and I probably might die?

That would make him call the cops and then more news would be everywhere. I'll just make a little excuse.

Um..yeah? Anyways
Since I have your number
Now I've been wondering
If you wanted to come over
And rehearse our parts?

Before I could see what he responded the closet door slammed open and my phone dropped out of my hands from how hard I jumped in fear.

"Found you killua~" Eric grabbed my hair forcefully and made me stand up while pulling me out of the closet an making me face him. "W-what is wrong with you?!" I yelled while digging my nails into his hand and making him let go of my hair. He grunted and gave a quick glare to me before sighing.

"Come on, stop being so feisty. I just wanted to see you baby." He grabbed my arm and clenched it tightly making me adrenaline punch the shit out of him. He stumbled a couple of steps back and held his nose in surprise. He sighed and looked me up and down  before smirking.

"That robe really does look good on you....your so beautiful." Eric came closer which made me back up and glare at him seriously.

"I'd bet you look way more handsome in an orange jumpsuit behind metal bars." I spat back at him while trying to calm my nerves down.

Eric just laughed and replied with something that made me want to punch that crazy smile off his face. "Well it won't look as good as those nudes on social media."

I angrily walked towards Eric and kicked him hardly in the stomach, making him cough and clutch it painfully. "F-fucking slut you'll...regret that."

And with that I grabbed that stupid phone from his shirt pocket and threw it to where he couldn't get to it. Then grabbed some pepper spray from under my pillows and glared at him.

"I won't regret this." I said as I took the cap of and got ready to spray the life out of his eyes. But before I could someone came in my room and it was silent for a moment.

"G-Gon..what are you doing here?!" He looked at the now helpless Eric on the ground clutching his stomach and clenching his eyes shut in fear that I was going to spray him.

And then Gon looked it me. I was speechless and confused and the thoughts were making my stress level build up even more. Gon just sighed in annoyance and walked up to Eric while hitting a pressure point on his neck, which knocked him out.

"I'm going to call the cops so they can get rid of him....Damn it killua, are you bad luck itself or something?" Gon asked as he groaned and pulled out his phone.

I still stood there like an idiot still asking myself what the fuck is going on. I just wanted to be an actor in the genre horror and action. Since when did I sign up for drama?

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