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After Killua finally made it home. Bisky said her goodbyes and ordered people to take care of him until his wound heals. Feeling extremely Exhausted Killua shut his eyes, sat in his bed laying down and yawing.

Once he closed his eyes someone knocked on the door which made him give an irritated sigh and clap his hands giving permission for them to come in. "Um..Mr. Zoldyck? Is there anything you need?"

'Yes. I need you to get out and let me fucking sleep. thank you' Is what killua wanted to say. But instead he just shook his head and motioned his hand for her to leave.

Hearing the door close He positioned his self to where he was comfortable. It was a little painful but he was comfortable and finally fell asleep.

After a couple of hours of sleeping, Killua was awakened by the smell of food being made. He sat up, grunting a little due to the pain from his side and now from his back. After a few minutes Another person knocked and waited for permission to be let in.

"Just come in already." Killua said a bit annoyed. One of killua's Butlers came in with his wheelchair making Killua sigh and shake his head. "Like I said, I don't need it. My legs are perfectly fine."

The Butler sighed and folded up the wheelchair so it could be carried. If Killua said he didn't want it the Butler would not force him.

Killua got up from his bed and stretched slowly so he wouldn't cause the pain to grow. He grabbed his phone from a close by table and stood there checking his social media. A picture he took about Three days ago had already gotten Over Seven thousand likes. And way to much comments for him to read. But someone's comment caught his eye.

Wow killua...Your outfits never fail to amaze me. Are you trying to be a model too?!

Killua felt his face heat up a little when he realized the comment was from Gon. He didn't know why Gon had said something on his post but it made him really embarrassed and he decided not to look at it anymore. "Damn jerk..." Killua mumbled while turning his phone off and walking towards the bathroom.

After 18 minutes Killua came out of the shower with a towel around his waist, winching from the pain of his wound being in contact with the water and soap. The same Butler who came with his wheelchair was waiting for Killua so he could rebadge his injury.

Killua sat down on the edge of his bed while his butler crouched down in front of him, rubbing ointment and grabbing bandages so he could rap them around the wound softly. After finishing up Killua dressed himself and the Butler walked with him out of his room.

Killua was greeted by his food placed on the living room table which was a common Salad since everyone knows he doesn't like fancy things.

He sat down while turning on the Tv and rolling his eyes at what was on the news in front of him.

'So as you know our famous movie star Killua Zoldyck has been stabbed and is now resting at home. The movie will be on a short hold and the police is still looking for evidence on the person who was guilty for doing this. There has also been rumors that Gon Freecss and Killua Zoldyck are dating! And some people are saying that the news is false and the actor Gon Freecss is already in a relationship.'

Almost chocking on his food Killua switched the Tv to something else and sweated a little. "Gon Freecss....and me? Dating?! Where the hell did people get that from!?!" Killua yelled in a whisper. He decided to look back on social media for more information on how the fuck people got that into their heads. Killua would never date him. Not in a million years would he even try to hook up with someone he despised.

After looking around Killua searched up 'killua Zoldyck and Gon Freecss' his eyes opened wide at the pictures that were shown everywhere.

There was him and Gon fighting back the crowd they ran into when they were heading to the restaurant. Them in the store finding outfits to go under cover in. The time when they were in the restaurant. And luckily there were no shown photos of Killua going into Gon's place.

"What in the hell....how...But.." Killua couldn't find any words to say but he already knew that this situation was going to be a little hard to explain to everyone. He knew that both he and Gon was going to have a lot of explaining to do.

"Just give me a break already!" He was stressed a lot now and the first thing he needed to do was post on his social media platform that he's definitely not dating Gon.

'Hello everyone. Yes I am ok and doing well. But I noticed that everyone is talking about me having a secret relationship with the famous actor Gon Freecss. I never knew you all had a sense of humor. Just to clear it up, me and him are no where close to being in a relationship. We are just speaking so we can finish the coming movie. And please, whoever took those pictures I want you to delete them immediately and quit spreading false rumors.'

It wasn't long like it should've been but Killua was stressed, annoyed, tired, and just wanted everything to be left alone. He posted what he said and in only 4 minutes there were already 329 comments and 1,490 likes. He knew there would be way more later but for now he wanted to see what everyone said.

'If killua Zoldyck said he isn't dating then he isn't dating. Stop pushing it.'

'I didn't think they would date in the first place. There's no way it could happen. Gon Freecss and Killua Zoldyck aren't gay. Stop.'

'Damn I really thought it was true! You both actually looked like a couple!'

'Glad your doing good Killua Zoldyck! My family loves your movies!!'

'Gon Freecss is kind towards everyone he meets. Why do you people always assume things. Can a person not be nice to someone without having to date them???'

'So...basically the rumors were fake? Noooo!! My two favorite actors where so close to getting together! Maybe this is just them acting!'

Killua felt annoyed at some of the comments once he kept scrolling down. Everyone was arguing about it and yelling at each other. It made Killua mumble for a second "Are they stupid? I literally just said I wasn't dating him..." He hit his self softly after saying the word stupid and shook the thoughts out of his head.

Killua sighed and placed his phone down beside him while continuing to eat his salad and hope everyone will start listening to what he said.

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