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After a while of hugging, the two let go of each other. Killua looked up at Gon for a second and looked away out of embarrassment. "S-so you and me...." killua was hesitant about actually having a thing with Gon.

He started off as his rival, then someone he worked with, And then killua got feelings for him. Now there dating? Killua didn't want to put all his trust into him like he did with Eric.

Gon smiled reassuringly and made killua look up at him again. "We're hopefully official..it's surprising isn't it?" Gon said as he chuckled a little and backed away a little to give Killua some space.

After all he didn't want to make him uncomfortable, he wanted him to process everything in a calm way without getting stressed. "Hmh..definitely surprising."

Interrupting the two males, A knock a the changing room door made them both flinch and back really far away from each other. They quickly changed their expressions and Gon opened the door with a confused look placed on his features.

"Can I help you?" Gon asked as one of the workers smiled nervously and stared at him.

"Well someone told me to come get you and Zoldyck. You two have kinda been in here for a while.." The guy said making Gon forget the time on how long they've been in there. To make it worse Gon and Killua weren't even Changed into the outfits they were supposed to have on.

"Oh Damn. Time does fly by really fast! You can go now though. I understand to hurry up." Gon said as Motioned for the guy to leave which he nodded and walked away silently, not questioning why the two males were in there for so long.

Killua peeked from the door of his dressing room and sighed in relief that the guy was gone. "Did he question us?" Gon shook his head no and smiled reassuringly. "Even if he did I wouldn't say anything."

Killua smiled a little bit and went back into his dressing room. Gon did the same and both of the two got dressed quickly, leaving the changing room as if nothing ever happened between them. Killua was feeling all type of emotions about dating Gon, He was excited, scared, worried, confused. It was a shock that both had feelings for each other.

But Gon just felt upset. He knew Killua got stressed really easily, and now that they were actually a thing, They would have To lie to the public and come up with tons of excuses if someone found out something about them. Gon was going to try his best for killua. In fact he would give up everything of his own just to make sure killua would be alright.

Gon moved on fast from Retz because she was fucked up in the head and honestly didn't care about him at all. She would go party behind His back and have sex with random people. And now she's pregnant.

Of course Gon wasn't going to feel guilty for leaving her and getting with someone he actually is willing to love the rest of his life. Shit, Retz was a better actor then Gon. Crying in front of him like she actually cared.

"Okay, get in your places everyone! This scene will be Zoldyck finding out the person he ran Into on the street, Freecss. Will be in the same apartment complex he's in. Action!"

•The scene happening•

"Finally...lost them.." Killua said as he tiredly laid down on the apartments small Burgundy couch. After he got away from those men that were chasing him he had to steal money to get a place to rest. The apartment that he got was small but livable.

Killua was slowly drifting off to sleep until there was a door unlocking and then opening from the apartment beside him. Feeling a little bit curious he limped towards his door and looked out of it. Earring the attention from the guy who was about to step inside of his own place.

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