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Killua's POV

My door slammed open as a clearly upset Alluka stomped in my room jumping on my bed and pushing my shoulder vigorously. I annoyingly pushed her off of me and hid under the blankets, But she continued and yelled.

"Wake up! Wake up big brother!" We are supposed to hang out again today!" As she kept pushing my shoulder and trying to drag me out of bed, I groaned In irritation and tried hiding my face deeper in the blankets.

"Brother! If you don't wake up I'll eat your left over chocolate!" Alluka let go of me and pretend to walk away which made me instantly look from underneath the covers and gasp.

"Wait fine I'm up!" I said as I tiredly checked my phone and sat on the edge of my bed. Alluka placed her hands on her hip and smiled knowing she won.
"Now get dressed! I want to be early to get ice cream!"

A sudden realization came threw my mind. I had forgotten to text bisky about me not working today. "Shit.." I mumbled quietly, but alluka still manages to hear.

"Is something wrong brother?" She asked as she walked towards me and sat next to me.

"I have to do something really quick. You don't mind waiting do you?"

"It depends on how long I have to wait." She said as she pouted and huffed. I really hope bisky would let me off. I would feel horrible if I said I couldn't hang out with alluka today.

Hello my amazing helper.
I was wondering if...maybe
You'd let me take this day off?

She instantly saw the message which made me sweat a little waiting for her answer.

No way. Your already
Late by a lot, so you better
Hurry up and get here.

Please, I want to spend
Some time with my sister.
And you said I got the week
Off remember?

Sister? Alluka? How
About you just let her
Come with you? I don't see
The problem.

You old hag. Let me off.
It's to dangerous for her there.

And just because you said
That I'm letting you work
Tomorrow to you brat.
And we will keep her safe.


I angrily shut my phone off and turned to alluka with a guilty look on my face. "Well..I'm sorry to say this but I have to work today. But you can come with me if you want..?" 

Her face lit up with happiness which caught me of guard for a split second. "You'd really let me go?!" Alluka got up and stared at me waiting for an answer.
I just stared back and shrugged my shoulders softly. "That's just if you want to. It's pretty boring when you stay there long enough."

"Will I get to see you and Gon act?!"

Of course she had to mention Gon. I suddenly got embarrassed of what I had thought about him before I went to sleep so I looked away from alluka and frowned. "I guess. Why do you want to see him anyways?"

Alluka just clapped her hands in excitement and grabbed my hands standing me up. "He's amazing don't you agree?! I even got his autograph!"

Did my sister really just call my rival amazing? And not me? And she got his autograph behind my back?!

"I'm way more amazing. And how did you get his autograph?"

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