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Everyone...I'll begin with the spreading rumors, I Guarantee that there's nothing going on between me and Zoldyck, In all honesty everything is just for the arriving movie. We've just been acting our part in the scenes normally haha! And the pictures that have been spreading around the internet about us are definitely not real....I don't know why it was made, but it's probably to get everyone believing them more. Sorry for everyone's misunderstanding of thinking we are together. We are just friends. And a lot has happened in the past few months, but hopefully now that both me and Zoldyck have spoken upon this publicly, you guys will understand. Thank for letting us speak today.

Killua's POV

So Much damn Energy has been spent and I could feel my body start to collapse from all the things going on. What made it even worse was that we were outside in the burning heat. Obviously luck wasn't on my side because I wore black clothing. Which doesn't mix well with heat.

After me and Gon spoke, there were autographs, questions, hand shakes,  and hugs getting throw at us from every angle. Multiple times I could feel my ears ring from the people screaming and calling out to us.

Mom's would randomly put their kids in my arms while standing beside me and taking pictures, But of course I didn't want to be rude so I just forced a smile and went with it. They could've at least asked before randomly touching me. This same thing continued for about another 5 hours and it was honestly horrible.

My fans were sometimes cool, but sometimes they can be a real pain in the ass. They would get jealous when someone got to shake my hand or at least take a picture with me, And some would say weird things, push me around, touch me everywhere, luckily I was used to it. Anyone else would have been mentally and physically tired.

The only thing keeping me from tumbling over was the Bodyguards standing on each side of me.

After a few more of those painful hours, kinda feeling like days, I could see Gon with some security and bodyguards escorting everyone away so he could get threw. One of the body guards got my attention by tapping my shoulder and leading me towards the building.

I gladly followed and waved goodbye to everyone, which they obviously where going to scream for me to come back. After I got inside the building I Slouched down on the first chair I saw and immediately sighed in relief and Exhaustion.

"What a day.." I said, barley having enough energy to talk anymore. Gon came in slowly after me and sat down across from the chair I sat at. He crosses his arms and chuckled slightly.

"Don't get to comfortable. We still have to go back out there and answer more questions. I think....for another two hours?" Gon said as he held up two fingers and smiled, acting right now as if he wasn't completely tired. Once my mind took in what he said I griped my hair and groaned in irritation.

Once again he just chuckled and laid back on the chair himself. "Oh come on. Think of the positive things first."
Keeping my body slumped down I raised a brow and sighed. "And what's happened so far that was positive?"

He smiled, all he did was smile and hum in amusement. Then he turned to me and crosses his arms. "The public bought what I said. The news reporters are already talking about how they misunderstood everything."

I immediately sat up and looked at Gon with plain disbelief. No way they bought what he said, not that fast anyways. "Are you fucking with me? Or are you actually serious?"

Gon rolled his eyes in annoyance and sighed. "No, They actually don't believe it anymore." I got up and clenched my fists in excitement and started hitting the air.

"Finally! This is so stress reliving ugh!" Gon just nodded and placed his hand on my shoulder smiling a little.

The more hours passed the more it felt like days. Both Gon and I Finished the day and went our separate ways. Once I got back home I saw Alluka packing her bag with her friend beside her smiling.

Immediately my face went from tired to a little upset.

Sadly Me and Alluka's hang out days or over and it was the day for her to go back to her friends house for a while again. It was nice hanging out with her and all but it's pretty upsetting she has to go so soon. we really weren't allowed to hang out much.

As soon as Alluka saw me She ran up to me and gave me one last hug, her face held sadness and it was obvious she didn't want to leave me alone just yet.

"I don't want to go yet....I barely got to do all the things I had planned...!" She said while sighing and holding my hands with hers.

"We will see each other in a few more months ok? Plus you have people to keep you company, and I also have a lot of work to do." I said while frowning a bit.

"But your my brother and it isn't fair that we have to wait months just to hang out for a week or something..." Alluka says as she looks down and tries to hide her shaky voice.

I was already filling really tired and my eyes just wanted to shut due to how heavy they were. But Alluka was upset and I felt guilty.

"Well...I can't take a break off work..but maybe I'll visit you when I can. I just don't want you to get caught up in a lot of drama, you know?" I said placing both of my hands on her shoulders and smiling softly. She just nodded and looked down.

"Yea...I have to go anyways now. I'll see you soon Brother." She walked away and picked up her bags while her friend frowned then followed behind her.

All I did was sigh and walk to my room, laying down on my bed and closing my eyes. It wasn't like me and Alluka couldn't talk still, She always happened to find my number even when I had to change it.

But at least one thing good happened today...those stupid rumors are finally going to stop for good now. Gon and I will just have to be way more cautious of what we do from now on.

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