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Killua's POV

"Hello brother how was the meeting?" Alluka asked as she walked up to me and smiled excitedly. I didn't say anything, just slid down my wall and pulled my hair in a way for me to get rid of my stress. I've always did it when I felt panicked or like to much stress was going to kill me. Alluka knew that already and sat down beside me.

"What happened?" She softly asked as she put her hand on my shoulder in a soothing way. I took deep breaths in and shut my eyes tightly.

"I-I don't think I can do this anymore. They basically embarrassed Both of us in there. With dirty pictures and- I just don't want to continue." My mind was all over the place and my head felt like it was finally going to explode.

Resting this off wouldn't be so easily. That meeting was so dumb, they didn't even explain much, were the pictures public?? I just can't think, I don't know if I was listening or I just forgot.

Alluka lifted my face up in her hands and sighed. "Please stop...your going to kill yourself with all this stress."

She was right. I didn't even realize how hard I was breathing or how hard I was gripping my hair. If someone saw me now they'd probably take me to a mental asylum.

Did those people even know how to work a meeting? They just said things and showed things that were so embarrassing. I cant get the pictures out of my head and the worst part is they looked so damn real.

They barely listened to what me and Gon said. I know I didn't do those things with him, I've never kissed him, or let him touch me in anyway. There were some times Gon would come a little to close in my personal space but it's not like we did shit together.

Ever since Gon got here everything has just been terrible. First me meeting him, Me getting stabbed, Rumors, Eric, then more rumors. It's just to stressful. I can't handle this anymore like I used to.

Once again I was back to breathing hard. My body was shaking and sweat was falling down my face. "Brother! There are only a few more months to get the movie done! Please keep pushing on...I hate seeing you like this." Alluka said as she pulled my hands from my hair and held them.

"No I can't...I don't want to have anything to do with h-him anymore. I want to quit this whole thing so Gon can go back to where he came from! A-And I'll just forget the stupid feelings I have for him."

Without thinking my hands snatched there way out of alluka's and went back to my hair as they gripped it and kept pulling.

"You have come to far just to give up this easily. You have been a professional Actor for years! And you never gave up." Alluka looked up In thought for a while then quickly smiled and put her hands together

"Remember when one of those huge cameras fell and broke, ruining the whole day of scenes you worked on? You cussed everyone out...but then you re-did them and they came out way better!"

"This is different!" I slowly got up and tried to calm my breathing while walking in circles and rubbing my eyes. "I only have five more months...that'll be a fucking year later! I can't, I can't do this. Not with Gon, there's other famous actors who cancel movies to. Why can't I do the same?!"

Alluka just sat on my bed while her eyes followed me as I continued to walk in circles, I was terrible at calming myself down. In fact I just stressed myself out more with overthinking. "It's not all Gon's fault you know...maybe these past few months just aren't lucky?"

Not Gon's fault?! What does she even mean by that. I had the most decent life before Gon came. Now I'm stressed out more and gaining feelings over him, getting stabbed by fucking people I don't even know. Rumors!!

This is all his fault. The only thing I did wrong was gain stupid feelings over him that I know he will never return back. And now I don't want him to return them back.

"Brother...what if you pretend to date Gon? So people will get bored of it later?" Alluka suggested which made me stop walking and look at her.

"Hell no. People would think we lied to them and those stupid pictures that the meeting showed us will only seem way more real. That is definitely not happening." My phone started to ring and alluka picked it up and opened her eyes widely while showing the phone screen to me.

"Don't answer it!" I whispered in a yell to her but she frowned and answered anyways which made me grab my hair again but let go when she handed the phone to me.

"Hey Killua, I was wondering how you were doing. I felt a bit guilty about what happened today and Thought I should check up on you.." Gon said which made my face heat up a little but quickly go back to being pale and stressed.

"I said I was fine! Just leave me alone you jerk. Why are you calling me anyways?! How do you have my number? And if you truly felt bad about all this happening you would've have went back to where you came from and left Now people think we're dating and having fucking sexual things together and kissing and dating- I said dating but you get my point! And-."

Alluka hit me making me realize I was rambling my stress over the phone. My face heated up in embarrassment and my voice was hurting from how much I was taking without taking any breaks of air. It was silent over the phone which made me start to panic again thinking I made him upset.

"Killua...I understand your stressed about this right now. And I'm going to try my best to stop it. If I knew this was going to happen I would have never came from whales island on my break. But I did this because I wanted to try with you."

His voice was softer then when it was back at the meeting and Alluka had already left to give us some privacy.

"Yeah whatever. I guess it's my bad for blaming everything on...you." I sat on the edge of my bed and placed the phone beside me, but to where I could still hear Gon's voice.

"Haha, It's alright. I Accept your apology Zoldyck." Gon said in a deep chuckle which me blush and look away. Even though no one could see my tinted face I was still embarrassed.
"I wouldn't care if you didn't accept it anyways." My voice was slowly getting better without any sense of panic or stress building up.

"well that's a little harsh."

I giggled at that and rolled my eyes. But then I felt my smile fade a little and my stress start to come back. "Gon...what do you do if you think of someone more then a friend...like you like them a lot and don't know what to say." It went silent for a bit and I quickly regretted saying anything.

"I mean! Not like I have someone I like I was just saying because my sister has like...a crush on someone and yeah!"

"Well I think confessing would be the best thing to do. My aunt Mito always told me that it's better to get something off your chest then keep it there." Gon's voice still had the soft tone in it. And it made me comfortable for some reason...

"Hmh that sounds right..." Im going to kill myself for this but...there's already so much to lose and losing something else isn't going to hurt as much. Just more stress and embarrassment.

"what if someone you knew liked you..?"

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