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Gon's POV

Once I got home the bed was the first thing I made contact with. Everything that happened when I was with killua was shocking but exciting. It was just a kiss on the cheek, but it felt like more, for him to be able to get close to me like that, it was new. I couldn't help but smile at the way killua got flustered.

He was so damn cute when he got embarrassed. He was cute in any way actually. I sighed and frowned a little thinking about when both me and him first met.

Killua always seemed to hate me so much sometimes. When we met he said he would rather work with someone else. When I mistook him for a female by accident because of his feminine looks, He tried to be nice and play off his annoyance only because bisky was there. But I could easily tell he was already frustrated.

Killua made it obvious that he disliked me. So when he also agreed he had feelings for me, It caught me off guard. But I have to admit...I am glad that everything went good then.

But If me and him we're going to be together now...I wanted to fix how easily stressed and mad he got. Every time something went wrong killua seemed to get completely freaked out. Like Over the phone. He started breathing hard and speaking fast I swear I thought killua was going to hyperventilate.

And It has to be because of those rumors, pictures and me. The least I can do for him is trying not to get on his nerves. Considering Killua has kind of a temper. I know I can't be to clingy on him. After all we did just start having a relationship and I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

What if I make him upset and stressed at the same time? Does he pass out if he's to stressed?! No he cant I..I don't think so at least.

I groaned and shook my head vigorously. "Just stop thinking so much.." I mumbled to myself while grabbing my phone and trying to distract myself.

A text message came from up from bisky which said both me and killua didn't have to work for a couple of days until they figured out what's going on. I replied back with a simple 'okay got it'
And sat my phone back down. 

I wanted to ask Killua if he wanted to hang out, just to get to know about him a little bit more. But he'd probably be busy with his sister, which I didn't mind at all.

Now that I think about it I couldn't hang out with him anyways. I still have to figure out what to do about the rumors and things, so killua doesn't have to. I got up from my bed and headed towards a small office I had in a left over room.

"Maybe I'll see what a few people are saying..." I opened my computer and typed 'Gon Freecss and Killua Zoldyck'
There were a couple of people talking about on a website for discussions, so I joined in on what they were saying.

'Obviously those two have something going on. It's noticeable.'

'You know the movie is in romance right? Maybe they are just practicing or something."

'What?? How. Did you see those pictures with Freecss touching Zoldyck? Exactly. You didn't so shut tf up.'

'Let's not act like there are people making things about all celebrities. That aren't real.'

'Freecss and Zoldyck mentioned they aren't dating. Maybe Zoldyck lies to the public but not Freecss.'

'Wow. Don't get on killua like that, I bet Freecss lies to the public more then Killua does.'

'Your just a little Zoldyck fan.'

The most I read the more upset I got. But I needed to get more information of what people think so I sighed and continued to read.

'It's funny how you people are so quick to assume things. Do you all even know if Gon and Killua are gay?'

'Are you fucking stupid?? Those pictures literally showed them kissing and touching each other. Blind ass.'

'Those pictures aren't even real.'

'Do you guys remember that person who stabbed killua a few months ago? Do you think he did it?'

'I don't know, maybe.'

'Why are you people so dumb. Of course he didn't do it, he's in jail.'

'I'm not a fan of killia Zoldyck nor Gon freecss. But I think they are dating.'

'We shouldn't be arguing about others lives. Like let them be."

After a few more minutes of reading what people were saying, I closed my computer and set it to the side. It's crazy how people are still speaking about the rumors that happened months go, even though there's other things that they can speak about.

Why would someone even bring up the guy who stabbed killua? There's no way he could have anything to do with those pictures. The guys in jail, where would he even get a phone in the first place?

He's out of the question. But there are still tons of people being suspicious about me and Killua. I grabbed my computer and took it with me to my room so I could be a little bit more comfortable just in case I fell asleep.

I took pictures of what people were saying and sent them to bisky so she could understand what people thought about all of this.

After a couple of hours later of doing more research and reading, I finally fell asleep.

But something was off...

There was a new weight on my bed and I could feel someone shifting covers and moving around. I quickly looked beside me and my eyes widened, my whole body felt suddenly hot and uncomfortable..My mind was racing with thoughts and I felt myself completely unable to move.

"Hm..? Are you alright?" Killua said in a seductive tone as he sat up, making the covers fall off of him slowly...showing that he wasn't wearing anything at all underneath it.

My eyes widened even more if that was possible and my body still couldn't move from being paralyzed in shock. How did he get in my house? Why is he not wearing anything?!

My eyes slowly shifting to my body and soon I realized, I wasn't wearing anything either. I could feel the sweat go down my face as my brain tried to comprehend what was going on. But my thoughts were cut short when Killua moved and sat on my lap.

Immediately I felt myself heat up in all parts of my body.

"Gon..Did you hear what I said?" Killua asks as he leaned closer up to my ear and ran his finger slowly down my chest. I tried to move but my body wouldn't listen to me. I tried to speak but I couldn't find my voice.

"Just wake up.."  he whispered.

My body quickly let me sit up and I woke up panting with sweat all over me. without hesitation I quickly looked around and lifted the covers off of me. I wasn't naked and no one was in my room but me. My heart slowed down it's fast pace as I covered my face with my hand in shame.

"It was a damn dream...shit." It had to have been all of that work making me go crazy. It felt so real, like killua was actually there on me, touching me. I shouldn't even be having such dirty dreams in the first place.

I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Every time I would close my eyes his figure on top of me came back and I would immediately open my eyes again. I couldn't believe I dreamt of something so unprofessional...

I'll just pretend it never happened and continue to work. My body was still a little hot but I ignored it and grabbed my computer off of the floor from lifting the blankets.

Soon I got back to work and Forcefully kept my eyes from closing. I couldn't risk falling asleep again and getting hard over a dream like that.

"Im not a fucking pervert.." I mumbled Angrily at myself and sighed as I continued to look on my computer.

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