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After Killua explained everything that happened, Gon was left in shock but continued to keep his unfazed expression. He tried to keep up with what the albino had said but at the same time it was all to much and Killua's stress had now been passed on to Gon.

Eric was already taken To the police and when he woke up he had hand cuffs rapped around his hands and three cops in front of him.

Without anyone knowing, Gon decided to stay the night at Killua's place just to make sure nothing else would happen. Gon also made sure the cops wouldn't go crazy on spreading everything on the news for Killua's sake.

Killua was left in his room with the phone he snatched from Eric, He scrolled threw the pictures and disgust completely crawled all over him. Of course he was young and stupid to think sending these types of pictures was ok, but now that he experienced and knows what happens. He can believe that he'll never do shit like that again.

The albino quickly deleted all the photos and made sure there wasn't any way for Eric to get them back with another phone. The sound of knocking filled Killua's silent room which made him pause what he was doing and sigh. Seeing Gon after what Killua told him made his face slump down in embarrassment and disappointment.

"What is it Gon?" Killua said making his tone sound completely unfazed.

The door creaked open slowly and reviled a concerned expression looking in. "Hey...I came to check up on you. Are you alright?" Gon's voice was soothing. And he made sure that he wouldn't say anything to make Killua uncomfortably in any way.

Killua didn't dare look Gon in the eyes and instead just made a noise insuring Him that he was and didn't need anything. Gon decided not to push it any further so he just gave a gentle smile and walked out shutting the door quietly. He knew Killua couldn't see it due to the fact he looked anywhere but him but it didn't matter.

Once Gon left Killua stood up and walked towards his mirror while staring at himself with a determined look. "From here on out I'll pretend like nothing ever happened. And I'll finish this movie."

He grinned and finally headed to sleep.

A couple of days passed by and the only times Killua and Gon made contact with each other is when they were on set filming. They didn't speak about what happened and they were going to continue not to speak about it. But Gon always payed close intention to Killua's surroundings to make sure no crazy person was stalking or messing with him.

Gon and Killua where doing their roles while the camera filmed them and bisky watched closely to make sure everything was on point. Killua was running down an alley way as the camera made kept up with him really well, always doing the angles right. And after a while later bisky clapped her hands and yelled "That's a rap! Good job everyone! It's pretty hot out here so there's a cooler with iced water you can take!"

Killua was the first one to grab a bottle of water. He drunk it all without stopping and soon it was empty. Running that long and stumbling was really tiring to him.

Gon on the other hand was getting his make up fixed for the next scene and while the girl was fixing his makeup she blushed and tried to act calm. Seeing someone you admire really does make you exited. "Do you want an autograph?" Gon said while smiling and looking at the girl.

She practically squealed and nodded vigorously. Gon chuckled deeply as she gave him a notebook and let him sign it quickly. After she finished Gon's make up, He left while waving and got in his position.

"Alright, and action!"

Killua was continuing to run down the street, bumping into back up people and panting. Then he ran into Gon pushing them both onto the ground.
Gon dropped some bags while sitting up quickly and looking angrily at Killua.

"What the hell is wrong with you dude?!" Gon yelled while glaring and trying to pick up the fallen grocery.

Killua sat up while rubbing his knee and getting back up quickly. "S-sorry no time to explain!" He ran again leaving Gon on the ground confused and upset. He continued to pick up his bags until he saw about five guys running in the direction Killua had ran off in.

"Did you say a white haired boy run pass here?!" A guy shouted while the rest continued to look for him.

"Uh, y-yeah he went that way." Gon pointed in the direction Killua ran while the guys followed and didn't hesitate to look back.

The camera man's kept Gon's body and bags in the scene as he got up and wiped the dirt off of his clothes the best he could and continued walking confused of what was happening.

They shifted The cameras back onto Killua running and showed one of the guys hitting him in the back of the head knocking him out.

"Cut! Great! This is great!" Everyone smiled at each other while Killua was helped up by one of the guys and stretched his muscles tiredly.

"That was amazing as always Killua!" One of the guys in the role of Chasing him said with a grin.

"Yeah thanks. You guys weren't to bad yourselves." Killua smiled and waved. His smile slowly left as he saw Gon laughing and talking with other people as they tried fixing his hair.

Killua huffed and kicked a couple of rocks, walking away to get another bottle of water. Gon fixated his gaze watching Killua walk away and smiled slightly. When they are acting on set with each other they both act like  what happened a couple of days ago, stays in that day.

Gon excused himself from the people he was talking to and ran up to Killua while smiling. "Hey, you did really good out there..."

Killua faced Gon and smiled an awkward smile. "Huh-? Oh yeah thanks. you were alright I guess." Killua shrugged and looked away nonchalantly.

Gon smirked and chuckled. "Wow, I'll accept that. Even thought I think I did a litttleee bit better." Killua looked back at Gon and laughed.

"In your dreams." Killua said while grabbing his water bottle and drinking opening it.

After hours of filming, they finally finished a little and packed up their stuff. Gon faced Killua when they both left the changing room at the same time but Gon raised his eye brow confusingly and stared at Killua. "Why are you still wearing make up?"

Now Killua was confused and raised a brow. "What? I'm not wearing any." Gon blushed and looked away while wondering if Killua always looked as pretty as he did just now. His eye lashes made it seem like he was wearing mascara and there were no scars on his face which made it seem so smooth and clear.

"Are you ok?" Killua asked while wiping his face to make sure he wasn't wearing anything and looked at Gon.

"Y-yeah sorry. I guess I was just seeing things." Gon laughed it off while opening the door for Killua to leave, which he did and didn't ask further.

Gon and Killua both parted their separate ways without saying anything and continued to do anything they wanted the rest of the day at home.

Gon was left thinking in his room about what Killua has told him days ago, and he still couldn't get it out of his head. He wouldn't say anything about it near Killua but he always made some kind of face when he saw him. Did Killua really trust that guy enough to send dirty photos? Eric was really his ex?

Even though Killua had told him everything. He was still wondering if everything he had told him was the truth.

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