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Killua's POV

It's been 3 days since me and Gon posted. Making it Thursday now. The pictures still haven't been deleted but the rumors are calming down just a little.

My injury is healing pretty fast, sometimes it burns and increases the pain when I'm in the shower but it goes away quickly once putting ointment on it. Other then that I've been practicing the script in my head while also wondering if Gon was practicing his.

I blushed in embarrassment and Anger while hitting my forehead. "Why in the hell am I even thinking about him?!? I don't care what he does!"

Irritated, I grab a white remote with small diamonds on top of it. It always bothered me that everything in my house was so extra. Even thought it was really nice around. I turn on the Tv and of course the news is talking about me and Gon.

'Gon freecss and Killua Zoldyck has posted on social media making it clear that they are not in a secret relationship! But people still are suspicious due to those pictures and aren't giving up so easily! Good news for today is That the person who stabbed Killua Zoldyck is Caught and is now in jail!'

My jaw opened so wide that it could've hit the floor with this news.

'That is all for today now we'll be talking about the singer Re-'

I shut the Tv off and sighed in relief. The stress was supposed to be gone but for some reason There was this feeling in my stomach telling me that it's not over.

Shaking the feeling off and ignoring the negative thoughts, I get up and change into A bright red turtleneck with some black sweat pants with white lines going down them. Lastly I put White shoes on and a white hat.

I knew that just because The person who stabbed me is in jail it doesn't mean that no one else is going to be after Me. But it was boring being stuck inside this house with people coming inside your room every Three seconds.

Of course someone had to accompany me so I just let them come. They opened the door for me which I thanked them silently and walked out looking around.

Making sure my hair is covered with the hat and Placing my hands in my pocket, I put my head down while my Accompany talks to me so people just think we are friends speaking Normally.

"So Killua, what made you come out today?" He asks while walking beside me.

"Just wanted to be out I guess. Nothing special." I say continue to walk and look around. It was a silent walk and he kept a good eye all around me.

"Gon freecss is so handsome oh my god!"

"I know I know!! Have you seen the pictures he takes?!"

"Girl yes!"

There were two girls Behind us ranting about Gon and lifting up each other's phones supposedly showing pictures of Gon.

"Well you can't have him anyways. He's way older then you."

"I'm 18! I'm legally allowed to do what I want. Isn't he only 26?"

In shock And without realizing it I walk up to them while my Accompany walks beside me just in case. "D-Did you say Gon is 26..? I thought he was younger then that."

They both looked at me confusingly and then smiled softly. "Yes he is. He's mentioned it multiple times when people call him 21."

"Um...sorry if this seems weird but you look like killua zoldyck."

I freeze a little and could feel the sweat run down my face a little. Luckily I was a professional at acting. "Oh I'll take that as a compliment! I never knew I looked like him honestly."

"Do take it as a compliment! Your eyes remind me of him. Even though I don't watch his movies at all I know what he looks like." She says laughing while I could feel a vein pop up on my face.

"Heh of course you do." I can't make someone like me. But the fact that both of them talk about Gon like he's a beautiful angle is stupid as hell. I hate to admit it but I am a little jealous.

"Anyways we should get going! What's your name if I may ask?" The other girl said while smiling and holding out her hand.

"Joseph." It was the first thing that came to mind.

"My name is Joy! And this is my friend Quinn." Joy shakes my hand and Quinn does to.

"Yeah nice to meet you guys!" I'd be in huge trouble if they found out it was The Killua Zoldyck they were shaking hands with. Even though Quinn said she doesn't watch my movies she still knows who I am.

"Goodbye Joseph! Hope me meet again someday!" Joy waves goodbye while Quinn does the same and smiles while crossing the rode with Joy and continuing to talk about Gon.

"We should go back now Mr. Zoldyck."

I nod and and turn around while sweating and taking a deep breath.

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