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Gon had stayed at killua's place for a while longer until it got darker, then he had to go back to his own place for the night. As soon as killua and Gon gave their goodbyes, killua went into his bedroom to talk to bisky about the guy Gon had mentioned showing up at their set.

"Freecss saw Morrow at set? I don't remember giving him the location to where we were.." bisky said in a tone of confusion. If she didn't understand why he was there then who did?

"Are you serious? Then how the hell did he suddenly know where we were? He doesn't even take part anywhere in this." Killua sighed in annoyance while running his hand threw his hair, wondering who gave him the location to the set. Before bisky could respond back, there was a nonfiction from Gon.

Killua, I was wondering
If you wanted to go out
Tomorrow. I know you
Said you were going to
Be working on things, but
You do need a break once
In a while. 😅

Killua stared at the message for a while then went back to speaking to bisky.

"Killua did you hear me?"

"Sorry I got distracted by something. Anyways, could you maybe speak to Morrow about why he showed up suddenly?"

"Well that's not really my job. but I'll ask someone else to speak to him instead." She said sighing over the phone.

"And what if that someone, was the one who gave him the information? Then what?" Killua said waiting for a honest response, which got bisky quite for just a second.

"I don't think that would happen. Considering there's a lot of trustworthy people who work for me."

"Obviously not if someone gave locations to Morrow. who doesn't work for you now after he was sexually being weird." The response got bisky irritated as she huffed.

"It's either I do it, or you. And you're already busy with your boyfriend so I don't think you should." Bisky snapped back.

Killua went silent as sweat formed from his forehead. "My what?" He responded in a calm but confusing tone. As if he didn't know what she was talking about.

"You know who I'm talking about. Freecss. I already had my suspicions but they grew when you guys did one of the scenes. That's not the point though."

Still in shock and confusion, killua's recently formed sweat dropped down slowly as he gulped. "Your delusional hag. Like we've said, we are not dating. And I think this conversation is over. We'll talk about this whole thing later when your not assuming weird things."

Killua immediately hung up and placed his chin in his palm, looking back at the text Gon had sent about nine minutes ago.

Killua, I was wondering
If you wanted to go out
Tomorrow. I know you
Said you were going to
Be working on things, but
You do need a break once
In a while. 😅

I really can't. Sorry.
I really need to get the
Work done. And I think
Bisky knows.

I understand killua. I
Wont pressure you
And what does she

Idiot. She knows about
Us. Like you know...the
Being together. I don't know
How she found out, but I swear
That hag has eyes watching
Us from every corner.

That sounds a bit unrealistic
About the eyes...But lets not
Get stressed about this.
What were you guys even
Talking about?

It's not really important..
But bisky knows now, and
I don't know if she'll tell or not.

Come on killua, we can't
Keep this a secret for long.
Once We get it over with, it'll
Be talk for a while, and then
Old news.

Oh yea! I never thought
About it like that! Lets just
Tell everyone right now so
We can be put in danger.
I'll probably get stabbed again
So why not! 👍🏻

I didn't mean it like that,
I'll keep you safe Ok? And it's
Not like people haven't did
This thing before. We've both
Been in this industry for years.
We can handle talk for a while

Killua was considering to leave Gon on open for a while, but then he'd feel guilty about it later. He knows Gon is trying to help but he's taking what could happen to lightly. Yes it would be easier to just get it over with, but paparazzi, haters, the stupid rumors that have been going on for months.

Just thinking about it made killua sigh in irritation. He could already picture what people would start saying just to get them away from each other.

"People think Gon is cheating on killua"

"Killua seen with someone else"

"Pictures of Gon with another girl at a restaurant"

Such things to worry about considering how people are. He just wasn't ready to tell yet. Keeping it a secret for a bit longer wouldn't hurt that much.

Yea sure. I'll speak to you
Tomorrow.  And I'll consider
Hanging out with you I guess.

Your not mad about this
Right? If you are I don't
Want to plan things while
Your hating me..

Calm down. I'll be perfectly
Fine. I just have a lot of things
On my mind. But don't even
Worry about it.  Did you
Have a place in mind?

I can't promise that
I won't worry about you.
But we'll talk about how
Your feeling at the

The park sounds fine.
And stop being so

Worrying about
My lover is embarrassing?

Well I guess...just quit being
Weird about it. Anyways, I have
To get my sleep.

haha fine. I'll stop.
And Thanks for letting me
Stay at your place to talk for
A bit. I also apologize for the

No problem..
and at least you didn't get
It on my stuff. 

that's true. But I'll let you
Get your perfect beauty sleep
now, the time is 5. I love you.

Caught off guard, killua's face warmed up as he read the last thing Gon said. He wasn't used to getting an "I love you" by someone other then alluka, someone that he used to hate by a lot.

He didn't respond to the message, but Gon knew that Killua appreciate it.

Once killua shut off his phone and placed it on a near by table, he laid back on his pillows and stared up at the ceiling.

"So much crazy things to deal with. Every single day. I still don't even know what gave us up to bisky...or how Hisoka got information to our set."

Without another thought, killua closed his eyes and headed to sleep. Trying not to think about what could go wrong with Hisoka or the hangout with Gon. Just in case, killua was going to bring his computer just to do some leftover work. It wouldn't hurt to multitask.

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