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Killua's POV

How did Gon end up in the same place as me?! And why did he have to see me in that stupid outfit!? My face was definitely a blushing mess by now.

Alluka grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking as I looked at her in confusion. "What's wrong?" I asked wondering why she stopped.

"Do you not feel bad for Gon? It was obviously that she did   something..unless it was from him."  She looked me in my eyes with pity for him and I looked away sighing in annoyance.

"Don't worry about it. If he doesn't want to say anything we shouldn't bother them. Let's just roam around a little bit more then rest." It's not like Its my fault she cheated on him. That's Gon's problem and I'm not getting caught up in it. The way Retz looked at me was as if she was telling me to back off.

I decided not to say anything because I've already went threw a lot of drama, and more was just going to kill me from stress. "Hm..alright big brother. Would you date Gon if he did break up with her?" Alluka smirked and looked at me curiously.

I shifted my gaze to her and smiled. "No. Not in a million years."

The smirk that was once on Alluka's face left as she frowned and crossed her arms. "Fine! your mean!" I laughed a little and placed my hand on her head. "I'm mean because I don't want to date someone you want me to?"

"Actually everyone wants you and Gon to date! Not just me!"

"Like I said, No. I'll get with Gon if I want to get with him, not because people say I should get with him." And with that I pat her head and continue to walk and look around. She followed behind even though I could hear her disapproved mumbles.

The rest of the day was just Alluka and I spending time together, picking outfits, trying food, and walking around laughing and talking about things that weren't even that funny. But we still continued to laugh about it.

We finally made it back to my house a few minutes later and for some reason Alluka was still energetic as ever. The opposite of me.

I was so exhausted from walking around, the first thing I made contact with was my bed and pillows.

Alluka complained for a little while about me just sleeping but soon enough she left and did whatever she does when she's not tired.

I still laid in my bed as comfortable as ever and slowly drifted off to sleep. That is until my phone let off a nonfiction from me getting a text message.

I wasn't going to check it, But I was curious to see who it was and I could easily just go back to sleep after-

Killua, you'll kinda have
To work tomorrow. That's
What Bisky said at least.

Why did Gon have to tell me this? Bisky could have easily told me this instead of Gon. And Work? I was supposed to spend my week with Alluka, not work. Maybe I can just cheat my way out of this.

Oh well I'm trying to
Bond with my favorite
little sister. So sorry I can't
Make it. I'll work when
I'm free.

The chat was indicating that Gon was typing. My eyes didn't feel like fighting to stay open anymore so they started to close, the message woke me up again and I groaned in irritation.

Well you can speak with
Bisky about that. And is your
Sister that girl who was at
The mall with you?

Yes that was my sister.
And I'm tired so I'll do it
Later. Now let me sleep you

And what that I shut my phone off and sat it on my small table beside me. I finally fell asleep and my whole body felt relived when I stretched out.

I could hear faint laughs and mumbles from the room next to me which I assumed Alluka was talking to her friends or watching videos.

Without any other thought remaining, I felt myself fall into a deep sleep. Even though I had tried getting rid of all the weird and stressful thoughts in my head, there was just this one voice that kept repeating the same thing over and over again. 'Would I date Gon if he broke up with Retz?'

Damn! No of course not. I hate when those thoughts come. Can't I just have a peaceful night for once without having trouble sleeping? It's like he always makes his way into my mind without me having any control of it. It's irritating.

"Big brother, Are you alright.?" Alluka said softly as she cracked open my door a little and peeked in. I sat up from my bed and gave her a small smile to reassure her I was fine. "Yeah don't worry about me. You should head back to sleep."

"If you need anything in here brother!" She smiled back and shut my door softly while heading back to her room.

Letting a sigh escape my mouth, I grab my phone and check the time. "Geez..1:43 a.m." It was late and I wanted to head back to sleep. At this point the greatest thing I could ask for was sleep.

If I had that maybe some of this stress would go away. And maybe the disgusting thoughts to. I don't even know why they keep coming back...Some part of my mind keeps saying 'Finally, Retz gets away from Gon.' And the other just wants nothing  to do with them. Or does it? I surely do hate myself for being stupid sometimes.

This same thing happened with Eric. I started developing feelings for him and then I couldn't stop thinking about him. It lead me to do bad things just to be with him. And this is why I don't want to have anything to do with Gon. So my feelings don't grow close to him.

And sadly I feel like they are starting to. Fuck.

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