Chapter 𝟞 - The Rise

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"Howard, how's the machine doing?" Today was the day Steve would be given the serum and as his friend, I was going to make sure this went smoothly.

"It's still the same as always. You seem a little nervous Tina. Maybe a massage could help-"

"No, I'm fine Howard it's just that, Steve is my friend I want everything to run smoothly for him."

"Hey, hey don't worry. When have I ever failed?" Howard wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Do you want me to answer that?"

"Not really." Peggy walked into the lab with Steve right next to her. Everyone stopped talking.

"He's here," I said. Peggy led Steve to Dr. Erskine and the pod. It was time. I walked up to Steve as he laid in the pod.

"How are you doing there bud?"

"Fine Tina."

"Good, I'm proud of you!" I reassured Steve which made him flash me a thumbs up. I walked back to Peggy's side.

"Mr. Stark, how are your levels?" Howard said as he walked over to Steve.

"Levels at 100%."


"We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we'll ever be."

"Agent Carter, Agent Harding," Erskine said. "Don't you both think you'd be more comfortable in the booth?"

"Yes, of course. Sorry." Peggy grabbed my arm and dragged me since she knew, there was no damn way I'd leave Steve so easily.

"Good." Peggy and I looked back at Steve one last time as we made it back up to the booth. Dr. Erskine flicked the mic he was holding, it gave off feedback.

"Do you hear me? Is this on?" He paused. "Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on their path to peace." They started arranging the needles to go into Steve's body which, in all honesty, almost scared the crap out of me.

"We began with a series of micro-injections into the subject's major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change." I gripped the sides of my seat as nurses inserted vials of the serum into the machine.

"And then, to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays." It was time.

"Serum infusion beginning in five..."




"One."The machine attached onto Steve as Howard pulled a lever. He then flipped another switch at Dr. Erskine's command. The pod folded up and closed. Oh, God.

"Steven? Can you hear me?"

"It's probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?" I shook my head, oh Steve.

"We will proceed." Howard turned a dial and put on protective eyewear. He then turned a gauge, increasing the power of the machine. Peggy and I sat in anticipation.

Steve started to scream. I instantly jumped from my chair and so did Peggy. We ran out of the theater.

"Steven!" Erskine called.

"Shut it down!" Peggy said.

"Damnit, get him out of there! Shut it down!" I grabbed the railings.

"Shut it down!" Peggy repeated.

"Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Turn it off. Kill it! Kill the reactor!" As Howard rushed to shut it down Steve spoke through the pain.

"No!" He yelled."Don't! I can do this!" Howard kept raising the power. The pod made everything around us spark. Then, it powered down.

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