Chapter 𝟙𝟠 - The Middle Man

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"C'mon Steve, just have one dance with me and Buck." In the year 1936, Buck and I were nineteen while Steve was eighteen. We had gone out to a dance club and Steve well—Steve's good mood had been soured. He stood in the corner of the club.

"No Tina, you go ahead. I don't wanna ruin your fun."

I sighed. "I'm your best friend, Steve, at least tell me what's got you so down in the dumps."

"Um..." He scratched his neck. "I'm not that good with the ladies in all—I don't know if any of them would want to dance with me, I'm not exactly good at dancing. I don't wanna hinder you and Buck all night by staying with you." I laughed and shook my head. "Hey! I was just bein' honest."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Steve you couldn't hinder us even if you tried to be the most annoying person alive. Come on!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the dance floor. Poor Steve didn't know what to do with himself, he had agreed to go out to a dancing club without really knowing how to dance!

At first, when I grabbed him, he was extremely caught off guard. Then, when I showed him the steps he got comfortable quickly—maybe that was because he was with someone he knew.
However, memories like this made me homesick.
I don't know why I thought of the boys when I finished reading the letter, it could be that I was returning to a sense of normalcy. Or maybe the letter was a symbol of my old life saying goodbye to me.

It made me realize that while I had lost my love, the best friends anyone could ever have, and anything else that was normal I also had a new beginning.

And if there was anything that my aunt taught me is that you don't take new beginnings for granted.

Back to 1969

I was back at work, a week had gone by since I officially joined S.H.I.E.L.D. I had the biggest smile on my face when I received my badge, finally, it was the time for me to reclaim what I've lost—it was time for a brand new Tina.

During the week, Violet, who had become a good friend to me, had started to teach me how to drive, I had gotten the hang of it pretty quickly. But while I was doing that, I also practiced my piano and singing skills as I would need to for this mission.

You see, the "Middle Man" isn't an easy one to fall, to lead him to the designated location I would have to impress and or convince him to follow me.

Now, I was at the "GoldHills Hotel" in Las Vegas, luggage in hand (which was my clothing, suit, and anything else S.H.I.E.L.D wise I would need). Before I left, Howard had given me some Sapphire earrings and I know what you thinking, no it wasn't some sort of gift it was an EMP. All I had to do was press one of my earrings and any lights would be blown out within a second.

I pulled off my sunglasses as the hot Las Vegas sun shone down on me, I never thought I would visit this place under these circumstances. I would always dream about coming here as successful performer things just—went a little differently than I thought they would.

I couldn't help but feel like a rich woman as I walked up to the front desk that was in the center of the luxurious lobby. The lady at the front desk greeted me with a fake smile as she spoke.

"Hello and welcome to the GoldHills Hotel, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I made a reservation over the phone with you I believe."

She rose her eyebrows. "Miss Cassidy?" She spoke like she was in disbelief after that, her whole tone changed...typical.

"Yes, Bonnie Cassidy." Bonnie was my new fake identity, as an agent you we're many different faces. So, I was Carol Fisher, Bonnie Cassidy, and Tina Harding at the same time. Two fake names at once, cool.

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