Chapter 𝟜𝟙 - The First Lead

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I could hardly believe my ears at what Tony was telling me. The file of Robert Carmen was bare but we had managed to find a possible lead to who was targeting Tony.

And it might have been a sorority sister at MIT.

I was still at Tony's dorm, reacting to him telling me about seeing Robert Carmen's picture at Amelia's house. The same Amelia that attended Alpha Phi Omega, the same Amelia that seemed harmless as a fly and she were obsessed with Tony.

Well, this would explain why she was so obsessed with Tony.

"Are you sure you saw his photo in Amelia's house?"

Tony lifted the corner of his mouth. "Yes I'm sure, she told me a story about some vacation to her great-grandfather's mansion and how great he was and her uncle. Can't remember the whole thing but it was something like that."

I thought back to the first and only time I met Carmen, he talked about his grandfather. "When I talked to Carmen in the 60s, he mentioned his grandfather. He was on Zola's train in the 40s and fought...Captain America. You know about that right?"

"Of course."

"Right, he said his grandfather wasn't a good man."

"Amelia had nothing but good words to describe her great-grandfather."

"And Carmen said he was a horrible man." Then, I asked Tony the obvious question. "Is Amelia's last name Carmen?"

"No, but, her uncle comes from her father's side."

"Unless she goes by her mother's maiden name or—"

"She could've changed it or used a fake one."

"Right on the money Stark." I organized what we had on Robert. "We need more information, you think you can't get more out of Amelia about her uncle?"

"It's like stealing candy from a baby, Amelia loves to talk about her and everything relating to her. She always needs the best for herself."

"Which is why she probably wants you right?" Tony smiled. "I'm not saying that to boost your ego. You're rich, smart, desirable, and set to inherit a multi-million dollar business. That has to be the best of the best."

"Huh, knew she had a motive."

"Tomorrow, after class. Talk to her, I can probably get her student files with SHIELD access, and then maybe if we have a lead here, I can get into her apartment, search for anything incriminating or maybe just plant a bug."

"Wow, you've planned this out to the T."

"Yeah well, you learn it once you get into this job. It comes naturally after a while."

I had now held the SHIELD file under my arm, getting ready to leave Tony until tomorrow had arrived. Then the plan would be set in motion. Amelia was our first lead and if the stars were aligned, she'd be all we needed.

"Alright, I'm heading in for the night and you should too. We have a lot to attend to tomorrow. Night Tony."

"Alright and Carol?"


"You should bring an earpiece so you can listen to what Amelia is saying."

I facepalmed, that was supposed to be the first thing to remember. "Right, right. I have some in my bag. I'll remember to get them."

He nodded. "Good night Carol."

Then, I closed my eyes and focused on the lobby of the hotel I was staying at. In seconds, I was standing near the doors. I saw Kai at the front desk as he usually would be, he looked bored. Guess that there wasn't anything going on.

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