Chapter 𝟚𝟝 - First Order Of Business

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There I was, at the Shield base at Camp Leigh. I smoothed out my pantsuit while standing in an elevator. My breathing was the slightest bit uneven.

I was meeting with my old team, the one that I handed off to Agent Hayes ten years ago. I was hoping that she kept the team in check but I made sure to prepare myself.

On top of that, I still had to look more into Tony's suggestion regarding the Cove. It couldn't hurt to try it, though I had a feeling that the mystery of the Cove was far from over. And whatever made Henry leave, I wanted to discover. Before shield, he wasn't even fully trusted, him leaving in such a bad mood could mean trouble for us.

Soon enough, the elevator doors opened and I walked down the hallway. The base hardly changed since the last time I was there. Then, I approached the armory room door where Peggy had told me most of the team was at—she had told me to be prepared for anything though, as expected.

Taking one last breath, I pushed the door open to be met with the eyes of other shield agents. Some of these agents bought the lie about me staying young because of Levithan experiments, maybe some of them suspected something else.

Keeping my head low, I walked into the armory searching for the former members of my team and Violet who I was also told was in the armory.
I went into a smaller room within the armory that held many stealth suits and other special weapons that Howard had probably thought up.

When I walked into the room, I saw Hayes and Thomas but—no Agent Davis. Violet however was talking to them but she quickly noticed my presence. She also didn't change much from when I last saw her, only that she had a ring on and got a bit older.

Violet turned around with a big smile on her face. "Tina! It's so good to see you." The woman pulled me into a hug while Hayes and Thomas looked at me in surprise. "For the amount of time you were gone, I have to assume your mission was successful." Violet knew part of the real reason I was gone but, she played along to make the whole act believable to the rest of the team.

"You'd be right to assume that. It seems like some big changes have happened..." I looked at her hand with the ring. It seemed like everyone was settling down at this point except me, maybe there was a reason for that.

She followed my gaze, her smile not leaving her face. "I'm engaged. You'll meet him when the time is right." She muttered the last part but, I ignored it.

"Congratulations Violet. I'm happy for you." Then, Hayes and Thomas came up to greet me, being taken out of their moment of shock.

Thomas spoke first. "Tina—your back."

"I said I'd be back," I looked around to see if Davis had appeared...he didn't. "Where's Davis?"

Hayes stared. "He transferred. He's got young kids to look out for. Though the nightingales have more members now. Thomas and I just got back from a small mission." She beamed. "Seems like you also finished some business yourself."

I was happy to see everyone doing so well. "I am and Hayes, I have to say I'm impressed with how your handling leadership."

"Learned from the best."

"I wouldn't say I'm the best—"

Thomas interrupted me after receiving some message from his earpiece. "So sorry to cut this reunion short but, we're needed for an integration."

Hayes turned in annoyance. "Can't it wait?"

"No, it can't. This is important."

Hayes sadly turned back to me. "Well, you heard the man. Sorry, Tina, we gotta go."

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