Chapter 𝟙𝟡 - Who She Was

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People clapping for my performance felt surreal, it was something I always wanted as a kid even though I got it under different circumstances. Needless to say, I still kept my focus on the mission.

During the applause for the performance I had just given, I walked off the stage and covertly made my way to the table of the "Middle Man" to talk to him.

The other patrons went about their business as the band took a break but Laurent was keeping a watch on anyone who could be a threat. Funny that he didn't perceive me as a threat but then again, looks are deceiving.

"May I sit here?" I said. Laurent smiled at me and not for a sincere reason, he felt like he might get lucky with a singer that many were eyeing tonight.

"Please, be my guest. Your name is Bonnie, am I correct?" His voice was alluring, it was easy to see how he had become so successful, he charmed people so easily.

I sat down next to him, making sure that I got reasonably close. "Correct, and you are?"


"That's it? Henry what?"

"I'm afraid that information is private for now dear." He used his real name with me, maybe I was already getting somewhere.

"Would you tell me if we got a little...closer?" I moved my chair even closer to him.

"Well, when you put it like that. I might have to consider it." He looked me up and down. "You seem to be interested."

"I've had a boring day, I need a little fun. Help me out?"

Henry sipped his champagne and looked away. "Where do you want me to meet you?"

"My dressing room, it's the third one that's down the hallway. Just follow my lead."

Nonchalantly, I got up from my seat and went to my dressing room. I could only hope that he took the bait and followed me. I stood in front of the door to my dressing room and waited.

After a while, I saw that Henry was coming my way. I had put on a quick smile as he hovered over me.

"So...are you going to let me in or what?" I smiled up at him while grabbing his hand, this just pulled him in even more though, my work wasn't done just yet.

"Just a second..." Now came a part that was a normal part of the job at times at least, in my S.S.R days it was.

I leaned into Henry to kiss him and yes, in the current circumstances I was in, it was a little uncomfortable but it was business. Henry immediately reciprocated and put his hands on my hips. Before anything else could happen, I grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open.

When we got inside, I pulled away from him and looked back to see Peggy right beside Violet who was holding her gun to her side.

"Bon—Peggy?" Henry gazed at us all with disbelief. "Is Bonnie even your real name?"

I turned to Peggy, "Well, looks like I still got it, Peg."

Laurent started to get agitated, he put more pressure on Peggy. "What is this about Carter? You disturb my leisure time for what? And who are you—" He started to walk closer to me but Peggy spoke and stopped him which made Violet holster her gun.

"First of all, it's Agent Carter to you. Agent Fisher is a good friend of mine and is damn good at what she does, I wouldn't suggest testing her. She knows forty-eight ways to end someone's life, don't think you'd want to be number forty-nine." Peggy used my fake name at the time, as said the Middle Man wasn't fully trusted by S.H.I.E.L.D. If we couldn't fully trust him there was no way we were going to let him know who I was. Even in the 40s, I might have been Captain America's best friend and there was a lot of attention I could've gotten from it though, I stayed in the shadows. I had to.

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