Chapter 𝟜𝟛 - Trouble In Paradise

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Things picked up when I requested Amelia's student records. The whole school was in a frenzy.

Amelia's teachers and classmates were questioned and even Amelia herself. She wasn't expecting that at all but I could tell she was, let's just say, less than pleased. So were her parents, Agent Maxwell had told me when they had to come down from Bora Bora to deal with this, their faces were so red with anger it was like their heads were gonna pop.

And of course, rumors circulated about what was happening with Amelia. Some of the best ones I had heard were that Amelia was involved in Bank Fraud and that the FBI was on her. Others thought she had murdered someone or several people. Shield wasn't mentioned once and it had to be like that for a while.

As for Tony, he was relieved that Amelia wasn't around the school even if it was for one day, our the investigation wasn't over. He still had to act like nothing was wrong and I still had to protect him. The date party was around the corner and I had to get ready. Kai was taking me.

As I got ready, putting on the sparkly scarlet red dress I had just for the occasion and I reached for the hotel phone to call Mileena which, of course, had an encrypted line that Shield had arranged for me.

"How's Grace doing Mileena?" I said while putting on my jewelry. I had to think about where I would hide my weapons in this dress which proved to be quite a challenge.

"I have to say, Grace is a formidable healer but with her fighting, I understand why you think it needs work." I heard something falling in the background. "Grace, are you alright? Did you knock over the bookshelf?"

"Everything alright over there?"

"Yes, everything is fine. She just knocked a few books off of her shelf."

"Try her hand in manipulating blood. That usually comes naturally after healing."

"We'll try that now, try to have fun at this party alright? You've been working since nineteen-sixty-nine."

"It's a mission Mileena, I let my guard down even once and stop looking after Tony, who knows what could happen."

She sighed over the phone. "Please try and enjoy yourself, you don't have to push yourself over the edge y'know."

"I know that, I promise, I'll be alright."

"Okay...I'll talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye." I heard a click over the line as I put the phone down, holstering my handgun in the garter holder that wrapped around my leg. I knew Kai would be over at my hotel room to take us both to the party.

As I grabbed my bag, I heard a knock at the door. That had to be Kai but, I had peered into the peephole just to be sure, it was him alright. Though, he seemed to be nervous, digging his hands into his pockets. You could imagine, it was kind of adorable.

I opened the door and faced him with a smile. "Hey Kai."

"Hey Whitney, you look really nice."

I observed the outfit Kai had on, a red dress shirt with back pants, clean shoes, and a watch. He had also done his hair, it looked like waves as it covered his forehead. "You look nice also."

"Thanks, you ready to go?"

"More than ready. C'mon." He held out his arm which I took, he escorted me to the elevator. He was a gentleman, just like Buck was and in ways, Kai reminded me of Bucky.

When we got to the front I observed Kai giving his goodbyes to a red-haired lady who took his spot at the front desk, she gave him a thumbs up. We walked out of the building and made out way to his white car. He opened the door for me before getting into the car himself. I decided to start a conversation as he started to drive.

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