Chapter 𝟛𝟝 - Right Time

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Slowly, I felt my body regaining strength and me waking up from a long sleep.

This time, I'd be somewhat prepared for everything. For the people, I knew becoming older, maybe facing Tony but maybe I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was.

Slowly, I felt my senses come back to me. I felt liquid all around me. My eyes blinked open and I stared at what was the ceiling of the Cove, I turned my head to the left to see a woman facing the pod. She looked to be in her twenties and she had blonde hair, maybe she was new, someone who just found out about her abilities.

The woman turned around, her face—she looked like Mileena. She was all grown up now, it was like my own child got older and was starting a life of their own.

The covering to the pod slid open as it always did, this time I'd be out in the world without worrying about the safety of the Cove and everyone inside of it, naturally, that meant I was more than happy to see my friends again.

The woman helped me out of the pod with a warm smile as she gave me a robe. She took my hands and started to speak.

"Oh, Tina! It's good to see you again. I know I look a bit different now."

I rose my eyebrow. "...Mileena?" She nodded and I let out a small gasp. She looked so different, which is expected but, she was now a woman who seemed to be handling the change of pace well.

Her smile now turned even brighter. "Tina you're in 1989! Welcome back." She hugged me.

"I'm glad to be back Mileena. Look at you! You're all grown up."

"Yeah, things have been quiet around here without the council. I'd rather than then have them here though. Thank you for doing that."

"Only did what I had to. How's everyone doing?"

"Fine. Evan and his family moved to Canada and my mother went to California for some time to herself. We got closer ever since she could speak again, she even told me about Lewis—he's also fine, April finished culinary school."

"Didn't even know she was going, make sense though. Thanks for the update."

She scanned my face. "I know that look, you wanna see how your friends are doing. C'mon, I'll get you your clothes and teach you some things you need to know."

Mileena started to lead me to the room I first occupied in the Cove. As we walked through the hallways, I saw many faces, old and new looking much happier than when the council still existed. I was just there at the right time.

"You gotta listen to Prince when you get the chance. He's one of my favorites!" I just listened to Mileena as she spoke, taking in everything I could.

On the bed, clothes were already laid out like she knew that I'd wake up soon. On the bed, laid a pair of black heels, a gold necklace, and, a royal blue woman's suit with...shoulder pads? I turned to Mileena and she shrugged.

"Hey, it's the fashion now and I would think you'd like to be fashion forward."

I laughed. "Very considerate of you."

Mileena looked at me solemnly. "I've made sure your friends were fine. And, I introduced myself to Peggy. I hope that's alright—she was just so worried about you."

"It's alright Mileena, I would say a little heads up would be nice but, I was asleep for ten years."

"I'll let you change now and you'll be back there in no time."

I studied myself in a mirror at the Cove, my hair was big...really big but the style completed the outfit and I looked great. All thanks to Mileena.

At this point, I had said my goodbyes to Mileena and was ready to meet with Peggy, as we always did. Though this time, Mileena had said that I had a new home, an apartment that Peggy wasn't aware of so, it would be better for me to go to her. So that's what I did.

Now I stood in front of Peggy's door, ready to see her again. I rang the doorbell that made a shrill, bell sound and waited for Peg, purse over my shoulder.

When the door finally opened, there was Peggy with streaks of grey in her hair. She looked down before she looked up at me.

"Ye—" She paused, then she pulled me into a strong hug that caught me off guard. I almost fell.

"Glad you're still happy to see me."

"Of course, Tina, come, come inside!" Peggy lead me into her house which still gave me the feeling that I was in the forties. It was quite comforting.

There was a young woman who was standing in the living room, she had dirty blonde hair but looked like a replica of Peggy. This must've been her daughter.

"Dorothy honey, this is Tina., remember I told you about her?"

The woman has a look of sudden realization and shook my hand. "I remember. It's nice to finally meet my mother's old friend."

"And it's nice to meet her daughter. If you need to know anything about your mother, I'm your source." I winked as Peg jokingly hit my shoulder.

"I'll be upstairs finishing some work mom, call me if you need anything. Nice to meet you again Ms. Harding."

We watched as her daughter went upstairs before sleeping again.

"Let me guess, a lot has happened?"

"You have no idea."

Then, Peggy and I had a long talk about everything that has been going on. She told me about Tony, him and Howard have had a rough relationship, and let's just say he read the note I left him and it made a negative mark on him—maybe not such a redeemable one. She told me that Violet and Henry died a year earlier when shield agents found one of their many hideouts. They still never revealed where I was kept. She even told me about Mileena's visit. And one of the more surprising aspects of this conversation involved Peggy's career.

"I've retired from shield."

My mouth opened, working for shield seemed like it was all Peggy wanted but then again, sometimes you did need to let go.

"I guess there's no more Director Carter then, huh?"

"It's Dr. Margaret Carter former Director of shield now."

"Still impressive."

She smiled. "Well, can't say I haven't enjoyed retirement. Although I miss the field from time to time."

"You act like Mr. Jarvis." We both laughed and there was silence till I said something. "So...what new director do I defy and take orders from at the same time do I answer now?"

"I'd say, Director Rockwell, he was appointed by the defense secretary, he's a real drama queen so he probably wouldn't make time to speak with you. Instead, you'll be with the assistant director, I made sure that he'd build a case for you when you came back."

"Who is he?"

"Agent Maxwell. It's working hard up the ranks and he naturally deserved that role. And, Howard and his company still partner's with shield."

I felt happier knowing that I would take orders from someone I knew I could trust. "You know, I already can't wait to get started."

"So don't wait." She reached under the couch cushion and she pulled out a file that she gave to me. I opened it to see a picture of a man, he looked like Howard in his younger years. He wore sunglasses and the picture was clearly taken without him noticing.

I looked up at Peggy who delivered me another shocking message.

"Tina, your job will be protecting Tony Stark at MIT."

Looks like we'll get to make up after all.

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