Chapter 𝟞𝟞 - The Unexpected Sort Of Fairytale Ending

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"Alright Hayes, let me know if there have been any developments. Rumlow can't be that far."

"Will do, and by the way. Can you send me those HYDRA files you found?"

"Agent Wailani has them already, I believe they've been delivered to his desk this morning."

"Don't know what we'd do without you Christina."

"Please, you've been doing fine without me for years, I'm just giving a helping hand."

"Yeah—oh shoot, I got to go. Same time next week?"

"Yea but I was thinking we could go to that bakery I was talking about. The owner's a friend of mine and they got a new piano we can use."

"As long as they got apple pie, my son will have no problem going."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."

"Talk later."

I was in front of my apartment building and I had just hung up the phone after promising Agent Hayes another piano lesson for her son. I owed her for covering for me all the times I was with Bucky so this was how we got even.

Now that I had returned to work, things were a little different. Steve and Sam offered to help Bucky out while I couldn't be there, they went out and enjoyed Brooklyn (Bucky couldn't believe how much it changed). They did it all while Steve provided me status "reports" on their latest activities which were just really him sending me photos followed by really formal texts.

At least they were having a good time.

All those years of heel-wearing and you'd think I'd be used to it but no, I couldn't wait to get inside and relax. I had nothing to do after today or until Hayes got back to me with a new advancement in our mission trying to catch Brock Rumlow.

That's right, the rouge HYDRA agent had somehow survived a building falling on him and he had escaped from the hospital on some sort of get-back mission for HYDRA—or himself.

However that was a problem to worry about later, now it was just time to see my Buck. Who could want more than that?

As I reached for the doorknob, the door opened at the same time. I looked up smiling thinking it was Bucky but instead, my face switched to confusion when I saw Steve and Sam with a bunch of empty bags in their hands. They had been talking but they stopped before I could hear enough to even figure out what they were saying.

"Steve? Sam? What are you two doing here? Didn't know Bucky was going out with you two today?"

They looked at each other then at me, then back at each other. Sam hurried back inside while Steve blocked the doorway, of course, they couldn't hide the fact that something was going on but they sure as hell tried to play it off.

"...Hey, Tina, didn't know you'd be home so soon."

"I rushed to get my work done today, what's with you and Sam?"

"Oh uh, don't worry about it. We just uh, found another hole in your wall from those HYDRA agents we didn't notice before and we decided to fix that for you."

"So that's why you have those bags?"


"What's Bucky doing?"

"He was helping us...Sam forgot something so he went to go get it."

From a slight area that Steve couldn't cover up with his body. I saw that Sam was zooming around my apartment doing who knows what. Steve really wasn't a good liar.

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